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他随意弹弄着吉他。He thrummed a guitar.

他生性十分随意He was very informal.

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当时非常随意。And it was very casual.

她随意地哼出愉快的调子。She flung off a merry tune.

译作不可随意增减伸缩。Translation is not scalable.

我可以随意改变速度。I can vary the speed at will.

乐作舞是一种非常随意的舞蹈。Lezuo is a very casual dance.

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随意变动。Make any alterations you like.

她在小房间里随意弹奏。She doodled in her small room.

某人随意拿走了我的铅笔。Someone has annexed my pencil.

一个民歌手的随意的演唱风格。A folk singer's casual delivery.

您可以随意填写这些内容。Fill these in as you would like.

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把枪装上子弹,这样就可以随意射击了。Load your rifles and fire at will.

吃饭随意,喝酒节制。Eat at plesure, drink with measure.

我不认为随意横穿马路是允许的。I don't think jaywalking is allowed.

配对完全是随意的。The matchups were completely random.

不要随意评判别人的信仰,那也是值得尊重的。Beliefs are respected by not judging.

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但是这随意涂抹间却有非凡的艺术。But there is craft in the casualness.

随意自由的进入他们的秘密会议。Free to enter their conclave at will.

相形之下麦凯恩则比较随意。McCain, in contrast, was uninhibited.