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拼音书写查缉和校对。Spell check and proofread.

歌词乃以耶鲁拼音标注。The lyrics are romanized by Yale.

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站名用拼音标注。Station names are marked in pinyin.

歌词以耶鲁拼音标注。The lyrics are romanized with Yale.

粤语部份以耶鲁系统拼音。Cantonese part is romanized by Yale.

拼音,中国人的“芝麻开门”Pinyin, The 'Open Sesame' Of Chinese

字母表与拼音问题。Alphabet and transcription questions.

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这时,汤姆的拼音课本跃入他的眼帘。Tom's spelling-book fell under his eye.

是从拼音开始学起吗?Are you starting your learning from Pinyin?

粤语部份以耶鲁系统拼音。Cantonese ��. Cantonese part is romanized by Yale.

拼音打字法是否影响了你写字的能力?Did spell check tool affect your spelling ability?

v拼音五笔同时输入、混合输入。V Wubi Pinyin input at the same time, mixed input.

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我不能手写中文,但我还可以通过输入拼音。I can't handwrite Chinese but I can type in pinyin.

拼音就是把两个或两个以上的音发成一个复合的声音。Pinyin is a combination sound of two or more phonemes.

我女儿今天复习了自然拼音3-2的四个字母组合发音。My daughter reviews four diphthongs in Phonics 3-2 today.

异样和一样。同样的拼音,天地般的差距。Strange and the like. The same spelling, the world as a gap.

老师用红墨水把学生的拼音错误圈起来。The teacher circled the pupils spelling mistakes in red ink.

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v集成拼音五笔,两者可同时或分开使用。V Wubi integrated Pinyin, or the two can be used separately.

我爱你、几个字拼音加起来就是你对我的感情。I love you, a few words Pinyin add up is your feelings for me.

可以用汉字,第一个拼音首字母,或者英语进行查询。You can use Chinese, first letter of pinyin or English to search.