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她丈夫是一名美国水师陆战队士兵。Her husband is a U. S. marine.

北洋水师是中国最早的海军部队。Beiyang Navy is the earliest naval force of China.

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中国北方军港,清朝北洋水师基地。Naval port in northern China, the Qing northern naval base.

而水师则始终均以杨载福、彭玉麟为主力。However waterborne forces were always headed by Yang fu, Peng Yulin.

北洋水师让当时的中国人感到无比自豪。The Northern Navy made Chinese people at the time feel extremely proud.

我们两国陆地不交界,并且我们有天下上最好的水师。We arent connected by land, and we have the greatest navy in the world.

清廷水师屡战屡败,决定重整旗鼓收拾海盗。The qing dynasty navy often war often hurt, decided to rally the pirates.

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提督衙门外西南200米处是水师提督丁汝昌的寓所。Admiral Yamen is 200 meters outside the Southwest Admiral Ding Yu's apartment.

这儿就是当年的北洋水师提督署,俗称水师衙门。This was the Northern Navy commander's office, or commonly known as the Navy Yamen.

在敬献花圈后,美国水师陆战队员将下半旗志哀。Following the placement of the wreath, the marines will lower the flag to half staff.

而东方戴维营所处的水师营区域位于旅顺的中心地带。Camp David and the Eastern region in which naval business center is located in Lushun.

我儿子在水师徭役了三年。他回家的那天对我来说真是个大喜的日子。It was areal red letter day for me when my son came home from there years in the navy.

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中国近代的第一支海军在这里诞生,北洋水师基地就设立于此。China's first modern naval force was born here. It was the military base of the Northern Navy.

我选择这个专业更重要的原因是这个专业研究的是水,水师我们生命的源泉。More importantly, I choose this major because it deals with water which is where our life begins.

她的专职香水师还在巴黎开了第一家香水公司,此店的遗址还能在巴黎找得到。Her perfumer ran the first perfume company in Paris , which can be found in Paris now, leaving only ruins.

被召回的大部分学生被直接送往新成立的水师当作海员重新训练。Most of the recalled students were simply sent to the newly formed Imperial Navy to be re-trained as seamen.

水师府为二进式院落,每进有正厅和东西厢房各一,且有回廊相连结。The Navy 's two into a courtyard, each with the nave and east-west wing of the one, and the corridors are connected.

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由于长江水师由湘淮集团所控制,清政府对这支军队非常忌讳。Because the Yangtze River Army was controlled by the Xianghuai Group, the Qing government was strongly tabooed to it.

考察湘军水师于是成为研究太平天国史的重要课题。Therefore, it is important for the research of the Taiping Heavenly Kindom to research waterborne forces of Hunan Army.

在楼上长廊可纵观浩瀚的江景,相传乾隆皇帝曾在阁上检阅水师。In the upstairs gallery to look at the vast river view, according to legend the Emperor Qianlong Court to review Navy had.