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贪爱不义之财的祸害自己的家。He that is greedy of gain troubleth his own house.

他带着不义之财逃往南美。He escaped to South America with his ill-gotten gains.

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永远不要使用词语“不义之财”或“我鄙视金钱。”Never use the terms “filthy lucre” or “I despise money.”

那些银行抢窃者们到巴西去拿不义之财生活。The bank robbers went to Brazil to live on their ill-gotten gains.

不义之财、毫无益处.惟有公义、能救人脱离死亡。Ill-gotten gains do not profit, But righteousness delivers from death.

他拒绝不义之财,又不绝对重义轻利。He despises ill-gotten wealth, but does not absolutely despise interests.

不义之财、毫无益处.惟有公义、能救人脱离死亡。Ill-gotten treasures are of no value, but righteousness delivers from death.

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塔纳指责西瓦的父亲是偷窃别人的不义之财的人。Tana accused the west of the father is the man stealing other peoples wealth.

于是他就想到,利用他们的疏忽,赚取不义之财。He therefore thought that the use of their negligence, earn ill- gotten gains.

数百万人在打仗捐躯,而奸商们却趁机发不义之财。While millions were fighting and dying, the profiteers were lining their pockets.

不义之财毫无益处,唯有公义能救人脱离死亡。Treasures gained by wickedness do not profit, but righteousness delivers from death.

不义之财,毫无益处。惟有公义,能救人脱离死亡。Wealth which comes from sin is of no profit, but righteousness gives salvation from death.

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在中国,他被制造了很多不义之财的腐败之“原罪”压得透不过气来。He is burdened with the "original sin" of corruption that mints so many tainted fortunes in China.

上帝不会问你收入有多丰富,他会问你是否为不义之财。God won't ask what your highest salary was, He'll ask if you compromised your characterto obtain it.

上帝不会问你的收入有多丰厚,祂会问你是否赚过不义之财。GOD won't ask what your highest salary was. He'll ask if you compromised your character to obtain it.

我希望有一天,法兰西能够脱胎换骨,洗心革面,将这不义之财归还给被抢掠的中国。I hope that a day will come when France, delivered and cleansed, will return this booty to despoiled China.

兽人们相信对不义之财的贪念只会妨碍他们勇敢地战斗。The Orcs believe that the thirst for possessing filthy lucre will do nothing but hamper them in fighting bravely.

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他们也担心脸谱网会从天真无知的孩子们,或者更有可能是其父母身上赚取不义之财。They also worry that Facebook will find devious ways to make money from naive children or, more likely, their parents.

这些人的口总要堵住。他们因贪不义之财,将不该教导的教导人,败坏人的全家。Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.

高虹通知世贤,回家通知洪国荣,就说一切的不义之财,原来的主人都要了回去,并说他会明白的。The GaoHong notice, home HongGuoRong hen, he said all notice of wealth, the original master will return, and said he will understand.