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绿色甘蓝菜等填料。Collard greens. Stuffing.

拆卸填料函。Dismantle the stuffing box.

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拆卸后座靠背的填料。Remove padding for rear backrest.

压盖填料压得太紧。Gland packing pressed too tightly.

使用10年后的微填料树脂贴面。Microfill veneers at 10 years service.

填料和垫圈是不含石棉的材料。Packing and gaskets to be non-asbestos.

加到汤里,炖汤,填料,或者米饭上。Add to soups, stews, stuffings, and rice.

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绢云母是一种质优价廉的矿物填料。Sericite is a new type of mineral filler.

银汞合金被用作牙的填料。Silver amalgam is used as a dental filling.

其他类型的木材填料会的工作,也。Other types of wood filler would work , too.

一个大框进行填料及景隆球。A large box carried wadding and cannon balls.

沙发里几乎没剩下什么填料。There's hardly any stuffing left in the sofa.

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没有填料压盖,在这些通径的阀门里只有填料。No packing gland, packing only in these sizes.

把填料放到腔内,把鸟的腿和翅膀扎紧。Put stuffing into the cavity and truss the bird.

深度填料函确保较长的填料使用寿命。Stuffing box is deep, assuring long packing life.

增清剂肥皂或去污剂中用的研磨剂或填料。An abrasive or filler used in a soap or detergent.

填料函尺寸,数量,分布和电流请在订货时说明。The size, quantity, parcelling of cable gland and.

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填加无机耐热填料石英粉。Inorganic filler, such as quartz powder, was filled.

闸板边缘以辐射状通过填料区域。The gate edges are radiused through the packing area.

烹饪鸡肉时常放洋苏叶、洋葱等填料。Chicken is often cooked with a sage and onion stuffing.