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布什执政时,他有着出色的表现He's brilliant at Bush.

他执政30个军团的下级。He governs 30 Legions of Inferiors.

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他执政八年。He stayed in office for eight years,

民主党下野,共和党执政。The Democrats are out, the Republicans in.

他执政为民,还是执政为汽车公司?Will he govern for people, or for automobiles?

伊丽莎白二世女皇已执政五十年。Queen Elizabeth II has reigned for fifty years.

难道里根会在1980年向福特提议联合执政?Would Reagan offer Ford a co-presidency in 1980?

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波旁王执政时,或许是那样,但现在It might be so under the Bourbons, but at present

他执政时期,人们总是对未来抱有坚定的信念。Under Stalin people were confident of the future.

配偶的延续执政也在尼加拉瓜形成威胁。Conjugal succession is also a threat in Nicaragua.

在一场腥风血雨的内战之后,他们于1975年上台执政。They came to power in 1975 after a bloody civil war.

这件事或许是欧巴马与其执政团队做对的第一件事。This might be the first thing Obama & crew did right.

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到1933年,法西斯纳粹党已经在德国上台执政。By 1933, the Nazi party had risen to power in Germany.

你知道中国第一位女皇帝是什么时候上台执政的吗?Do you knohen the first Chinese empress came to power?

这两起事件都改变了默克尔的执政生涯。Both events will transform Mrs Merkel's chancellorship.

以农为本一直是封建王朝的执政理念。Farmers first had been ruling thought in feudal dynasty.

执政掌权的用何法辖制我们?。What do the principalities and powers use to enslave us?

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他会竭尽全力务使他的政府能继续执政。He would go to any lengths to keep his government in power.

在*结束执政后的令人困惑的情形下,没有人真正知道这个答案。In the confusing post-Communist world, no one really knows.

通过控制开支,美国经济在他执政期间一路突飞猛进。With spending in check, the economy soared during his term.