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粮食产量激增。Grain output shot up.

但我们在增加产量。But we are increasing.

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镁的产量为每年6万吨。Magnesium was 60,000 tons.

产量日增。Output is going up every day.

粮食产量大幅度增长The grain production steamed.

他们缺乏水来提高产量。It lacks water to boost output.

粮食产量翻了两番。The grain output is quadrupled.

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产量成倍增长。Output has doubled and redoubled.

产量连年上升。Output increases year after year.

总体上看,PNM处理的产量最高。The yield of PNM was the highest.

第三,增加小规模农场的产量。Third, get small-holder yields up.

提高果品的质量和产量。To improve fruit quality and yield.

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这直接决定了产量。And, that's going to gate the yield.

另一个因素是每只鸡蛋的产量。Another factor is the yield per egg.

非OPEC国家石油产量也在增加。Non-OPEC output is also on the rise.

但是他觉得产量不理想。But he was disappointed in the yield.

那块田你能有多少的产量?How much can you yield from that field?

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那个国家在工业产量方面居先。That nation leads in industrial output.

的产量正在增长。The outputs of creamery are increasing.

最终增加单株开花数、单株饱果数和荚果产量。As a result, it increased the pod yield.