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哇!小熊猫!Wow! ! Panda Pandy!

小宝,我的小熊猫。Sao Po. My little panda.

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小熊猫,黑白相间。Little panda, black and white.

小熊猫不属于熊科。Red panda does not belong to Ursidae.

刚出生的小熊猫幼崽约___到____公斤。At birth, a baby panda is about ___ to ____ kilos.

貂皮展卖,符合主题吗?小熊猫可爱。Mink, for sale, suit topic?The little panda is cute.

一只小熊猫摘了一只大南瓜,想把它拿回家。A little panda picks up a pumpkin and wants to take it home.

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小熊猫花费大量的时间喝他们妈妈的奶水。Baby giant pandas spend a lot of time drinking their mum's milk.

于是他决定回去帮助小熊猫师傅打败太郎!So he decided to go back to help his master to fight with Tailang.

虽然已有小熊猫诞生,但数量少之又少。Though births have been reported, they are few and far between it.

现在这只猫正在照料这只小熊猫和她其余的幼崽。Now this cat is letting it nurse alongside the rest of her kittens.

其中珍稀动物有滇金丝猴、小熊猫。There is one of rare animals Yunnan snub-nose monkey, lesser panda.

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我们顺着小路先来到熊猫馆,有一只可爱的小熊猫正在睡觉呢。We first came to the panda enclosure along the path, there is a lovely panda is sleeping.

小熊猫是一种栗色的熊猫,尾巴上有交互轻重颜色的圆环。The red panda is a chestnut-colored panda with alternating light and dark rings on the tail.

大熊猫在关起来时通常分比在天生栖身地时生下更多的小熊猫。When in captivity, pandas typically produce more young than they do in their native habitat.

跨喜马拉雅地区的国家公园是雪豹、小熊猫和多种濒危鸟类等珍稀物种的栖息地。Trans-Himalayan parks host rare species such as snow leopards , red pandas and several endangered birds.

巴布拉是一只很可爱善良的小熊猫,它生活在卡巴拉星球安卡山脉里的熊猫岛上。Babula is a very lovely and kind panda, it lives in the Panda Island of the Anoka Mountain of the Kabala Star.

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狗的38条常染色体探针在小熊猫染色体上共检出71个同源片段。Dog probes specific for the38 automates delineated71 homologous segments in the metaphase chromosomes of red panda.

你是否还记得那个单纯美好的年代,那时我们整个民族都团结在华盛顿国家动物园里那只小熊猫宝宝的身后?Remember a simpler time, when a nation stood united behind Bao Bao the panda cub at the National Zoo in Washington?

本人确认本人已详阅及会遵守荣誉大小熊猫护理员活动之守则及规条。I confirm that I have read through and will adhere to the Rules and Regulations of Honorary Pandas Keeper Programme.