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分手时两人盟誓,永不相负。They vowed never to separate from each other.

本文主要从地理的角度对吐蕃的盟誓进行了一个全新的思考。This idea which from the geographical point of view of Tibet's vows is a new thought.

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经年之后,树皮斑驳,曾经掷地有声的盟誓已经模糊不清。After a few years, bark mottled, once the trothing has extremely elegant and valuable.

这些人就是你们盟誓说真主不加以慈悯的吗?Behold! are these not the men whom you swore that Allah with His Mercy would never bless?

但盟誓作为一种习俗,随着历史的发展,其功能也发生了相应的变化。However, as a custom, the functions of troth are changing with the development of history.

本文将从盟誓的功能及其演变两个方面对古代羌藏两族的盟誓习俗作一初步的探讨。This paper is in an attempt to probe into the functions and evolutions of the trothing custom.

以西结用什麽来比喻犹大与上帝间的盟誓关系?What parable is used by Ezekiel to describe the covenant relationship between Jehovah and Juda?

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其中在吐蕃盟誓产生的根源中对地理根源的研究是别的学者较少研究的。Other scholar less explore the geographical source when they discuss the source of the Tibet vows.

为了使您一周年纪念,你为什么不延续盟誓婚礼在天堂。In order to make your anniversary a memorable occassion, why not renew your wedding vows in paradise.

春秋时期鲁国与列国的盟誓有不同的特征。The pledge between Lu and other states in the Spring and Autumn period has different characteristics.

孔子重视盟誓,参与盟誓,企图以盟誓救世道人心。Confucius stressed and participated in the treaty of alliance, to make an attempt to save people' s soul.

这一时期,盟誓在政治生活和军事生活中起到了不可替代的作用。In this period, oath of alliance played an incomparable role in both of the political life and military life.

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我忘却十年的盟誓,向另一个人许下一生一世的誓言。I have forgotten about our decade's staying, and then I am determined to start a lifelong one with the other man.

本文分为三个部分对春秋邦国盟誓论以述之。This paper is divided into three parts to expound the oath of alliance of states in the Spring and Autumn Period.

“盟誓”是先秦时期社会生活中特殊的现象,反映了先秦时期人们思想观念的变化,是这一时期社会激烈变革的真实写照。Pledge was an exceptive phenomenon in social life of Pre-Qin which was a true reflection of the drastic social changes and the shift in ideas of that time.

加入基地组织意味着要虔诚地宣誓,对本•拉登个人的效忠,就像加入纳粹党要盟誓对元首个人的效忠。Joining al-Qaeda meant taking a personal religious oath of allegiance to bin Laden, just as joining the Nazi Party had required swearing personal fealty to the Führer.

盟誓制度是周礼的一部分,周王室借助这种体制建立起与诸侯国间彼此的信任关系。The treaty of alliance system is a part of Zhou Rites. Zhou royal family, with the aid of this kind of system, established mutual trust between the feudal lord countries.

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周公东征之后,盟誓成为构建西周国家政权的重要组织形式,使诸侯与天子建立了宗法血缘关系之外依靠神灵监督效忠的政治从属关系。When the seigneur swore fealty to gods on the feudal ceremony the king had got a permanent affiliation with the seigneur except lineal consanguinity which was supervised by gods every time.

商代至西周时期盟誓习俗的变化以成、康前后为界,分为三个不同发展阶段。The change of the oath-making conventions from the Shang to the West Zhou Dynasty went through three periods of development starting from about a time between King of Cheng and King of Kang.

取信于神明是春秋时代诚信观的另一个侧面,祭祀和盟誓都被赋予了崭新的内容,“取信于神”的旧瓶子被装上了“取信于民”的“新酒”。Both offering sacrifices to the gods and oath of alliance were endowed with brand-new contents and the old bottle of "win the gods' trust"was filled with the new wine- "win the people's trust".