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这也许是比较急促的号子。The work's chant maybe a rapid one.

而太匆忙的生活让我有种急促的去死的窒息感。Too fast to live, too young to die.

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那些鲸鱼呼气时发出一种急促的声音。The whales expired with a rushing sound.

他急促地跑下山来赶汽车。He pounded down the hill to catch the bus.

雨使大家急促地找地方躲避。The rain sent everyone scurrying for shelter.

美国士兵急促地向卧室冲去。The Americans hurried toward the bedroom door.

他还有从户外带来的那种急促的呼吸。He still had the breathlessness of out of doors.

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是一种无声的噪音,急促而有力。It was a soundless noise, yet rushing and powerful.

激励是以急促爆发的方式到来的,要趁热打铁。Motivation comes in short bursts. Act while it's hot.

如果你继续这样急促不清地说下去,我就听不懂了。I can't understand you if you keep jabbering like that.

她眼睛泪汪汪的,声调由于兴奋而变得急促。Her eyes were moist, her voice was jagged with excitement.

夜幕降临,一阵急促的敲门声打破了家里的沉静。Night falls and a fierce knocking assails your quiet home.

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你身体的余热,急促的心跳,不平静的吻。You body's afterheat, rapid palpitation, not tranquil lips.

她眼睛泪汪汪的,声调由于兴奋而变得急促。Her eyes were moist and her voice was jagged with excitement.

当我们吻得越深越用力,我们的呼吸会越急促。Our breathing grew more rapid as we kissed deeper and harder.

她急促不清地说着,好像在讲外语。She jabbered out the words in what seemed a foreign language.

随后,通常是在急促的声音下,表演开始了。And then, usually with a rushed voice, the performance begins.

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她的双眼里闪过一道红光,呼吸开始急促起来。Her eyes flashed with a red light. Her breathing became rapid.

夜半,一阵急促的敲门声把我惊醒。In the midnight, a string of hasty knocks at my door woke me up.

此时,一阵急促的敲门声响起,随后门“吱——”地一声开了。At this moment, the door was opened after some hurried knockings.