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抚慰我的皮肤。Soothes my skin.

这时候,真相宛如一股抚慰伤口的暖流沁入心间。The healing oxygen is truth.

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奶奶亲切地抚慰爱丽丝。Grandma cozied Alice tenderly.

这种能抚慰你心灵的食物又是什么?What's your go-to comfort food?

这像是一种自我抚慰的动作。It may be a self-soothing behavior.

我们积极地抚慰自己。And that we actively comfort ourselves.

邻居们相互抚慰,相扶相依。“我很自满来自一个矿工的家庭。”I am proud to be from a family of miners.

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抚慰你驿动不安的心灵。Comforts your post to move the restless mind.

蕾拉,请你来抚慰我不安的心吧。Layla, darling won't you ease my worried mind.

我于是知道Susan的超级英雄是“抚慰者“。So I knew that Susan's superhero was a Soother.

大家围着她,抚慰她,甚至使她感到幸福!So surrounded, so caressed, she was even happy!

以抚慰和减轻你一次次悸动着的苦痛to sooth and lessen the throbbing painful bout.

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我想抚慰他时尤其感到这点,我的同情得不到呼应。I have told you of her attempts to propitiate M.

杨文猜想到她的企图抚慰了她一番。YangWen guess to her attempt to comfort her time.

能抚慰乳腺增生发育。To assuage the development of mammary hyperplasia.

我愿是您凭借,抚慰您孤单叹息。Let me be Your solace, To embrace Your lonely sighs.

情感伤害用什么来抚慰是最好的?With what does affection harm come placatory be best?

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但我们仍能抚慰照料这尸体。But we can still tend, and we can nurse, the dead body.

心平气和的抚慰你的灵魂和头发。Soothe your soul and your hair with calming techniques.

年轻人在那里笑着,抚慰着那个女人。Thereupon the young man laughed and caressed the wench.