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自己人跟自己人窝里斗?Own people with their own people Woli Dou?

你在这儿自己人中间,有话直说好啦。You're among friends here-you can speak freely.

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而法国和德国可能会想要自己人担任该职。France and Germany may want this post for themselves.

他终于向自己人倾诉衷情。At last, among friends, he was free to speak his mind.

我们会不会把更多的机会让给我们胡姓自己人?Will we spare more chance we Hu surnamed ones of own side?

好吧,安南的人们当然不把他们看做传统的自己人。Well, the people of Annam certainly don't view them as traditional.

你可以在必要时对你的敌人使用这招,但千万别用在自己人身上。You might do it to your enemies on occasion, but never to your own side.

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你对于保护自己人已经做了非常了不起的工作了。And unlike Deron Williams, you've done a terrific job defending your man.

在自己人打自己人的此次战斗中,缅甸政府兵伤亡惨重。There were heavy casualties among Burmese soldiers in this fight against each other.

我们可以不记得敌人的大放厥词,却忘不了自己人的沉默不语。In the end we remember, not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

只要能生存,何必在乎捧场客是“黑”还是“白”,还是自己人?As long survive, why care about is off to join in the "black" or "white" or one of us?

我们尊重所有的生命,甚至是那些对自己人类同胞手足相残的人。We respect all life, whereas they have none at all even when it comes to fellow humans.

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说来遗憾,当时舞场上除了我自己人以外,一个女客也不熟悉。I had not at that time the honour of knowing any lady in the assembly beyond my own party.

很多自己人,包括西方国家,都认为他是个“跛鸭“总统。Many of his own people, as well as the Western powers, regard him as a lame-duck president.

生命酿成生命。能量创造能量。得靠献出自己人变得富有。Life engenders life. Energy creates energy. It is by spending oneself that one becomes rich.

在痛苦的26年冲突中,猛虎组织从不畏于把枪口朝向自己人。Throughout a bitter, 26-year conflict, the Tigers have never balked at killing their own people.

不要忘记那些崇洋媚外,将自己人视为二等公民的人们。Do not forget those who worship the foreigner and treat their own people as second-class citizens.

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斯努皮是我们家的一员,一家人是不会舍弃自己人的。No, ”she repeated firmly, “Snoopy's part of the family, and families don't give up on each other.”

洛克说,我们必须建立新的“自己人”关系,分享经验、目标,或者威胁。We have to build new in-groups, Rock says, which people do around shared experiences, goals, or threats.

我们只对自己人效忠——我们的朋友,我们的新伙伴以及熟人,甚至我们的拳击练习的对手。Our allegiance is to ourselves—our friends, our new allies and acquaintances, even our sparring partners.