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双台子油田为新生界古近系砂岩油气藏。Shuangtaizi oil for Cenozoic Paleogene sandstone reservoirs.

近年来,贵州省的新生界研究取得了显著的进展。In recent years, the obvious progress have been held in neozoic study of Guizhou.

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盆地沉积盖层由中生界三叠系、侏罗系、新生界第三系、第四系组成,侏罗系是其主要勘探目的层。Sediment cover consists of Trias, Jurassic, Tertiary and Qaternary, but Jurassic is the mainly exploited stratum.

银根-额济纳旗盆地是中新生界陆相盆地,前中生界构成盆地基底。Yingen-Ejinaqi Basin is a Mesozoic and Cenozoic lacustrine fault basin, and pre-Mesozoic constitutes its basement.

二连盆地是我国东北部巨大的中、新生界沉积盆地之一,共有40多个大、小不等的沉降凹陷。The Erlian basin is a large Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary basin in northeastern China, with more than 40 depressions of varying sizes.

上覆新生界主要分布于工区的西南部,地层比较齐全,工区东北部大部遭受剥蚀。The overlying Cenozoic rocks are mostly distributed in the southwest part of the block and nearly denudated in the northeast part.

古生界圈闭发育程度较差,中、新生界以发育挤压背斜、断背斜、断层、岩性圈闭为主。Paleozoic traps occur in small amounts in which anticline, fault, lithologic and stratigraphic unconformity reservoirs are dominant.

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十万山盆地是在印支期海相沉积基底上发育的中新生界陆相沉积盆地。Shiwanshan basin has a Mesozoic to Cenozoic continental sedimentary cover lies over a basement of marine-facies Indosinian deformation.

褶皱-冲断带和盐相关构造均十分发育的秋立塔克地区构造极其复杂,该地区新生界内部存在两套起滑脱层作用的膏盐层。Fold-thrust belts and salt-related structures are very prevalent in the Kuqa foreland fold-thrust belt of Tarim Basin in Northwest China.

该凹陷中生界有良好的油气勘探远景,张集—刘堤圈—带是中生界构造油气藏和中、新生界之间不整合油气藏的重点勘探地区。Therefore, there is a good potential in Huangkon sag and the western of Huangkou sub-sag is a favorable area for oil and gas exploration.

尼日尔三角洲盆地是非洲板块与大西洋板块边缘三联点上的中、新生界沉积盆地。Niger Delta Basin is a Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary basin and it is located along the triple junction area of African plate and Atlantic plate.

结果表明,质子辐照所诱发的新生界面陷阱和氧化层陷阱随质子能量和剂量的增加而增加。The results indicate that the overall density of the radiation-induced interface traps and oxide traps increase with proton energy and doses.

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库车地区是塔里木盆地中、新生界出露最全的地区,库车河地质剖面最有代表性。Mesozoic and Cenozoic formations outcrop most completely in the Kuqa region in Tarim basin, and Kuqa river profile is the most representative one.

针对煤田地层钻进中钻遇复杂地层特别是新生界地层时涉及的几点技术问题进行了探讨。Aimed at some technological questions caused in the drilling of complex strata in coal field, especially in cenozoic strata carried out discussion.

由于发育大量不同类型中生界和新生界的沉积盆地,中国大陆应赋存有大量的石油和天然气。For there exist a lot of Mesozoic and Cenozoic depositional basins of different types, China's Mainland should be very rich in oil and gas resources.

结合地震解释的新生界底界面深度,计算了区内中生界的残余厚度。In addition, the Mesozoic relict thickness is calculated in combination with considering the Cenozoic base depth derived from seismic interpretation.

其中波斯清盆地最为典型,古生界、中生界和新生界次第重合。Hence, the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic zones over continental nucleus and its circumferences were of both individual feature and sizable superposition.

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中生界与新生界主要是岩性圈闭与构造圈闭,而古生界的主要圈闭是断块潜山圈闭。Lithology traps and structural traps are mainly found in Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata, while fault block-buried hill traps are primarily in Paleozoic strata.

雅克拉断凸是一个长期受轮台断裂、亚南断裂控制的继承性断块隆起。在前震旦系结晶基底上发育有震旦系、古生界、中新生界沉积。Yakela FaultArch is an inherited fault block uplift which has long been controlled by Luntai fault and Yanan fault deposited in preSinian Paleozoic and Meso- Cenozoic.

新生界主要为陆相洪积扇、洪泛平原、滨湖-浅湖-半深湖沉积的碎屑岩及少量蒸发岩。The Meso-Cenozoic is mainly composed of clastic rocks of continental alluvial fan, flood plain, shore-shallow lake-semi-deep lake facies with small amount of evaporate.