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她知道,无论自己如何努力,他亦永远是以不变应万变。She knew, no matter how hard he has always based on maintaining the status quo.

方能以不变应万变,圆则以万变应不变。Can only maintaining the status quo, round Zeyi status quo should remain unchanged.

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于是,在进入下半场之后,他仍然以不变应万变,希望情势有所好转。So, going into the second-half, he kept his side in the same shape and hoped for the best.

然而艾滋病病毒不断变异,很难找到“以不变应万变”的抗体。But HIV constantly mutates very difficult to find, "maintaining the status quo" of the antibody.

最后得出结论,中国现行的学位服应当以不变应万变来面对当代社会。At last, it comes to the conclusion that current Chinese academic dress should not change into any others.

但各个高校因地制宜,而中国学生则是参加一个测试以不变应万变。But getting into school there and getting into school here aren't the same thing. Chinese high schoolers take one test for all the marbles.

空间变化是多种多样的,但我们始终坚持以不变应万变,以最好的服务,最好的质量给千家万户。Spatial variation is varied, but we always adhere to maintaining the status quo, to the best service the best quality to thousands of households.

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所以,要做到以不变应万变,还是自己的专业水平比别人高。As a result, you should make your professional standard higher than others in order to cope with shifting events by sticking to a fundamental principle.

你所有细胞,所有的组织,所有的器官最主要的功能,就是维护这个内稳态,使你能够以不变应万变The main function of all your cells, and all your tissues, and all your organs is to maintain this homeostasis, which allows you to live in a changing environment.

这种以不变应万变的理论心态,造成了理论与实际的脱节,也使现实主义理论丧失了普通的品格。This state of mind in theory of meeting changes with constancy caused the disjointedness between theory and practice which also makes realistic theory lose its basic quality.

其实,最直接地说法就是,地图编纂器就是一种以不变应万变地地图绘制东西。In fact , most direct statement is that the map editor implement it is one kind of the map coping with shifting events by sticking to a fundamental policy to draw an implement.