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我跟你们并肩作战!I fight with you!

他们总是与他并肩作战。They always fought alongside him.

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你认为巴第跟克雷斯波能并肩作战吗?。Q. Do you think that Bati and Crespo can play together?

并肩作战,我们要让杀害祖尔金的凶手痛哭求饶。Together, we will make Zuljin's murderer weep for mercy.

他为尤文奉献了很多,我们曾在一起并肩作战并赢得很多荣誉。He gave a lot to Juve and we won so many battles together.

我可以与民主党总统并肩作战,来帮助这个国家。I can work with a Democratic president to help this state.

虽然很艰难,为了我们的将来,我们会并肩作战,一…Althrough it is tough , we will fight together for our future.

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愤怒吧,因为我们相信品行高洁的人,并决心同他们并肩作战!The rage, for we believe in angels and decided to march with them.

而当费勒与癌症斗争时,他们也会与他并肩作战。And, during Feiler's battle with cancer, they would fight alongside him.

肯尼-达格利什将会回到利物浦与贝尼特斯并肩作战。Kenny Dalglish is returning to Liverpool to work alongside Rafa Benitez.

因为我们并肩作战,我们生死与共,我们无坚不摧!Because we fight side-by-side, we share life and death, we are invincible!

在过去两年里,青年党和伊斯兰法庭联盟的武装人员经常并肩作战。Al-Shabab and ICU fighters often fought side-by-side in the past two years.

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我已经向切尔西表示我的意愿,并希望留下和蓝黑战士并肩作战。I have already given my all to Chelsea and hope to stay with the Nerazzurri.

她与助手,法律系的学生水野弥生并肩作战,扑灭以女性为目标的罪案。Mizuno, who is a law student, they try to exterminate swindlers target women.

和你并肩作战是因为不愿和你分开。因为我爱你。The fight beside you because i would not depart from you. Because I love you.

作为中国出征奥运的三名女子选手之一,她将与张怡宁并肩作战。She will play alongside Zhang as one of three members on China's women's team.

我不想要训练,我希望美国人和我并肩作战。“I don’t want more training,” he said. “I want theAmericans to fight with me.”

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李晓婉地下党身份浮出水面,与文忠并肩作战并走到一起。Li Xiaowan underground made identity surfaced, and Wen Zhong fought together and.

玩家将在阿尔萨斯堕落成巫妖王之前与他并肩作战。Players will be fighting alongside Prince Arthas before he falls to the Lich King.

报道称,实战环境下,米35也许会与中国武直10一道并肩作战。The Mi-35 may be along with China's Z-10 in real combat environment, reports said.