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必须欢唱,希望,并且说道You must sing and trust and say

别人欢唱,我为何悲哭?Why must I weep when others sing?

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生活只有美酒,只有欢唱。No song unsung, no wine, untasted.

障碍应该使我们欢唱。Obstacles ought to set us singing.

潺潺溪水欢唱着流过我们的身边。The murmur of the spring harps by us.

而整片翠林却欢唱着那自由之歌。While all the forest sang of liberty.

如今我和我心都在欢唱And now my heart and I are sweetly singing

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一呼即来的鸟儿正在欢唱The birds singing gaily, that came at my call

睡梦中听见盛世的欢唱。Hearing the song of prosperity in my dreamland.

我能听到,一只百灵鸟在某个高枝上,尽情地欢唱。I can hear a lark somewhere begin to sing about it.

欢唱还会培育提升者所需的内省,让提升者能够清晰地觉知到自己的内在。Banter fosters the introspection necessary to realize itself.

园区内,热的泉水一路欢唱着流经熔岩、汇入深潭。Here , hot spring water runs down over rocks into deep pools.

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生命将尽,他超脱了痛苦,尽情欢唱,那甜美的歌声连云雀夜莺都难以企及。There is a legend about a bird which sings just once in his life.

以下我们将为阅读这篇文章的提升者提供一份欢唱的例子。The following is an example of banter for those reading this essay.

正确装饰你的屋子会把欢唱者的眼球吸引到你想展示的地方。Accent your house to draw carolers' eyes to areas you want them to see.

士兵们一下子涌到街上,开始欢唱胜利。Soldiers were soon spilling back out into the street singing their victory.

山林的美景使得百鸟自由地欢唱,清澈的潭水倒影让人心地空灵。The fancy landscape made birds sing and the clear lake let people feel purity.

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天空中有翠鸟的欢唱,浅滩有白鹭的低语。In the sky has kingfisher's singing joyfully, the shoal has egret's whispering.

今天我醒来,看见阳光明媚,百鸟欢唱,以及一张退房通知单。FML。Today, I woke up to the sun shining, the birds singing, and an eviction notice. FML.

欢唱不限房型处台东商业旺街大家乐歌唱广场!Singing is not restricted chamber located in Taitung business street happy singing square!