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敲出铿锵的音符。Strike a note.

她们的球迷把她们叫做铿锵玫瑰。Their fans call them Steel Roses.

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她们的球迷把她们叫做铿锵玫瑰。Their fans call them The Steel Roses.

他们的球迷称他们为铿锵玫瑰。Their fans call them the Steel Roses.

踩踏着一面铜锣的野蛮的铿锵节拍。Goes to the barbarous clangour of a gong.

他扔掉工具时有铿锵的撞击声。There was a clang as he dropped the tools.

金属工具碰撞到地面时,便发出铿锵声。The metal tool clanged when it hit the ground.

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盘碟在餐车中铿锵作响。Dishes and plates were clattering in the dining car.

厨房传出金属盘子的铿锵声。The clatter of metal plates was heard from the kitchen.

在中国,前进的步伐就是如此铿锵和有力。In China, the progress of the energetic and strong is such.

对此不少官员态度鲜明言词铿锵。Bright to manner of this not little officer one's words clang.

惨白的霜冻牢固地铺在广场上,象是铿锵发响的金属。The bleak frost packed and paved the square as with some ringing metal.

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摇滚铿锵玫瑰用自己的方式演绎“披头士”乐队经典老歌!Girls rock band interpret Beatles' classic old songs in their own style.

这些时常被人引用的话也可以拿来形容巴特铿锵有声的散文。These much-quoted words can apply also to the sonorous prose of Bartram.

她们是又一支铿锵玫瑰,她们是今天最美丽的玫瑰!They are another sonorous rose, they are the today most beautiful roses!

因此其评书说演在听觉上,更有一种铿锵崎岖的声韵美感。That ballad Thus the ballad, said in hearing is more a feeling of rolling steel.

中国女足的姑娘们真不愧为“铿锵玫瑰”!The girls of the Chinese football team are worthy of the name "clangorous rose".

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做铿锵促进短裤加上数字面值整数ARM目标?Does Clang promote shorts to integers when combined with number literals on ARM targets?

酒体界于中等到饱满之间,成熟圆融,且紧致而尾韵铿锵。On the palate it is medium to full-bodied , ripe, but slightly compact and the finish is firm.

帕格的话音突然停下来,张口结舌地呆在那里。此时他看着几个全身盔甲的人铿锵着声音跃上了平台。But Pug stopped and gaped when he saw the mail-clad figures who had clanked up to the platform.