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为这事儿,我差点宰了他。I nearly killed him.

我差点杀了一个女孩!I almost killed a girl!

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我差点被它绊倒。I nearly stumbled over it.

他差点没赶上火车。He nearly missed the train.

我差点笑死。I could have died laughing.

我差点把这事忘了。谢了!I nearly forget it. Thanks!

我差点坐过站了。I nearly missed my station.

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我差点把车撞到路灯柱上。I nearly ran into a lamppost.

这匹马差点使他受伤。The horse nearly injured him.

哦,我差点忘了一件事情。Oh, I almost forgot one thing.

我差点错过了自己的婚礼。I almost missed my own wedding.

我差点醉死过去。I nearly drank myself to death.

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那部汽车差点辗过一条狗。That car nearly ran over a dog.

我差点被吓死!That nearly scared me to death!

我差点被羊角面包噎住了。I almost choked on my croissant.

我差点把他的名儿忘了。I have nearly otten hellos name.

天哪!那辆车差点撞了我们!Jeepers! That car nearly hit us!

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对了,我差点忘了And, by the way, that reminds me.

吓得托默差点一膝盖跪了下去,原来那里就埋了一颗地雷。He'd nearly knelt on a land mine.

我差点把他的名字忘了。I have nearly forgotten his name.