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中国的人民币采用的是十进币制。China's Renminbi has a decimal system.

您是否需要处理多币制的事务?Do you have a need to handle multi-currency transactions?

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英国于1971年2月15日改用十进位币制。Britain converted to decimal currency on February 15th, 1971.

1971年英国改用新的十进位币制。In 1971 Britain changed over to the new decimal money system.

包括币制、尺码单位、金额及交易条件。It consists of currency, measurement unit, sum and trade terms.

英国废弃旧币制,改为十进制。Britain converted her money from the old system to a decimal one.

币制借款应当说是清末外交的一大败笔,清政府由此进一步陷入了内外交困之中。Currency loan is a failure and from then on the Qing government came into a predicament.

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一九七一年英国把英镑、先令、便士改为新的十进位币制。In1971 Britain changed over from pounds, shillings, and pence to the new decimal money system.

币制改革是高拱主持隆庆朝大改革的重要内容。The monetary reform was an important task hosted by Gaogong in Jiajing and Longqing dynasties.

一九七一年英国把英镑、先令、便士改为新的十进位币制。In1971 Britain changed over from pounds, shillings, and pen ce to the new decimal money system.

循序渐进是梁启超币制改革的基本思路。Proceeding in an orderly way is the basic mentality of Liang Qichao's currency system reformation.

文章考察了民初汇划制度的一般情况及币制问题与钱庄的关系,分析了民初币制银两公率增加的原因和影响。It also analyzes the reason and effect of the addition to the currency system of the tael metric rate.

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秦朝推行币制统一在现实中并没有促进经济发展。The unification of Monetary System of Qin dynasty didn't help advance economic development at that time.

受晚清社会处在国家转型期的环境影响,晚清币制变迁是不彻底、不完善的。Because the society in late Qing Dynasty was in transformation, the transition of the currency system was not sound.

到了那儿以后,我便自告奋勇地就健全的币制问题发表演说,听众席上有不少人就是我往日的同学。Oncee there, I offered my services to speak on the subject of sound money. Many of my old school friends were in the audience.

大流士一世实行税制改革及统一度量衡和币制,更促进了帝国的经济发展。Darius I the tax system reform and unification of weights and measures and currency, but also to promote the economic development of the Empire.

此后,元代币制大坏,通货膨胀日益严重,加剧了社会政治、经济局面的动荡。In consequence the currency system of the Yun Dynasty was out of order and resulted in serious inflation and political and economic instability.

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亚里斯多德和普鲁塔克最早明确记载了梭伦的币制改革及有关的货币单位及其换算关系。Aristoteles and Plutarcus first explicitly recorded Soloon's currency system reform, regarding currency units and conversion relations between them.

亚里斯多德和普鲁塔克最早明确记载了梭伦的币制改革及有关的货币单位及其换算关系。Aristoteles and plutarcus first explicitly recorded soloon ' s currency system reform , regarding currency units and conversion relations between them.

一直对中国有着重大影响的美、英、日三国针对中国的危机所持的不同态度,直接影响到了中国币制改革的成败。The different attitudes of America, Britain and Japan, who had great influence on China, directly affected the success of the reformation of currency system.