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所有我们所做的都会产生连锁反应。All these things have ripple effects.

这被称为原子能的连锁反应。That is called the nuclear chain reaction.

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这会引起连锁反应恐慌性的抛售美元。It would trigger panic selling of the dollar.

4-2-3-1的兴起已经产生了连锁反应。The rise of 4-2-3-1 has had knock-on effects.

她补充说,当时,韩国出现了一系列的连锁反应。We had a chain reaction of them here, she adds.

整个行业会出现一些连锁反应。Yes, there will be some knock-on effects in the industry.

实际上这将引起属性更改的连锁反应。This in effect can have a chain reaction of property changes.

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这种干涉造成的连锁反应就是好奇心逐渐钝化。The net effect of this interference is a blunting of curiosity.

物理学家转向复合性连锁反应聚变上。Physicists are looking at the complex fusion of chain reactions.

在一些地方,已经显示出这一系列连锁反应的征兆。There are signs in some places that this may already be underway.

好像是一件无关紧要的小事引起了一连串的连锁反应。It is as if a singleunimportant event set up a chain of reactions.

缺少获利“了解的出口”会进一步引起连锁反应。The lack of “exits” from investments had a further knock-on effect.

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为了断奶,她把烈酒抹在奶头上,结果引起了连锁反应。She put tipple on the nipple for ablactation and caused ripple effect.

我们的工作源于连锁反应,每个主题都会带出下个主题。We work because it's a chain reaction, each subject leads to the next.

生气也会肚子,胃,胸口连锁反应的痛。闷么?。Life also is met abdomen, stomach, of wind chain-reacting painful. Frowsty?

经过这种连锁反应,声波的压力放大了20倍以上。This chain reaction magnifies the pressure of sound waves more than 20 times.

每有栖息地被侵占,我都能看见被驱散的动物的连锁反应。Every time habitat is encroached, I see a ripple effect of dispersing animals.

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上海连日以来的雾霾天气已经导致了一系列的连锁反应。The continuous haze weather in Shanghai has caused a series of ripple effects.

这样你就可以开始用这种心境替代紧张情绪后的连锁反应了。Then you start the interaction in that frame of mind instead of the nervous one.

一个穷酸的美国超级大国必定要在全球产生连锁反应。And a frugal American superpower is sure to have ripple effects around the globe.