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刺碎我畏缩的心房。This shrinking heart of mine!

⊙、男人志在四方,女人志在心房。Men aim at four party, women at heart.

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你的心房不应隐藏你的心事。Your house shall not hold your secret.

将温暖和能量注入我的心房。Warmness and energy goes into my heart.

我的爱,你填满我的心房!My heart-of-hearts filled with your love.

两心房是由薄壁构成的空腔。Both atria are thin walled muscular chambers.

我感到自己的心房急如鼓点。I could feel my heart beating like drumbeats.

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告诫你心灵,根留我心房。And tell thy soul, their roots are left in mine.

期待爱进入你的心房。Expect to breath in Love with your next in-breath.

快速心房起搏可导致细胞内钙离子超载。RAP can induce calcium overload in atrial myocyte.

预定一米阳光,装进心房。Reserve one meter sunshine and put them in atrium.

尽管天各一方,伊人靠近我的心房!You are close to my heart even though we're apart!

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胸前导联心房波无明显变化。Atrial wave in precordial leads had not any change.

房室结与心房肌之间有多条路径相连。The AVN linked the atrial muscle in several routes.

我将用你的沉默填满心房,并忍受它。I will fill my heart with the silence and endure it.

每侧上面的腔室称为心房。The upper chamber on each side is called the atrium.

心脏有两个心房与两个心室,四间房。A heart has two atria and two ventricles, four rooms.

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一小我惟有一个心脏,却有两个心房。A ma powerful has only one heart- there are two atria.

心房颤动的发生常有其基础病因和促发因素。The attack of AF has its fundamental cause and trigger.

假如我的心房是一口锅炉的话,登时就炸啦。If my heart had been an iron boiler it would have burst.