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我是极好的苗子。I am a perfect candidate.

谁是真正的王位苗子?。Who was the true heir to the throne?

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为了西安这个苗子,我一定会支持到底。So spare no effort to do the last match.

一般要收拾整齐,长势弱的苗子要铲除掉。Generally they are tidied up and any weak growth is removed.

宁可拒绝10名候选人而得到一个好苗子。It is better to turn down 10 candidates in order to get one good prospect.

田鼠,田鼠,不要吃我的苗子,我侍奉你多年,你都不曾给我慰藉。Rat, Rat, don't eat my seeding, I serve you many years, you never help me.

你最好给他请个好老师,他可是有音乐才能的好苗子。Youd better find a good teacher for him, since he is a really musical child.

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对捷步达康来说,这笔小小的资金投入是为了避免让一棵不良的苗子在他们公司发展。For Zappos, this is a small investment to avoid a bad seed working in their company.

曼彻斯特有一个光荣的传统自古就嗜好出产年轻一代,并且他们能够很好的发现那些好苗子。Manchester has made a habit of producing young stars and is perceived to be a great option for emerging players.

我见过很多好的书法苗子,但到后来都不成才,其原因就是文化修养跟不上。I've seen a lot of good calligraphy young plant, but afterwards are not success, its reason is culture can't keep up.

发现一根不错的混合泳苗子是一件相当不错的事了,如果要让他/她能力突出,就要让其努力地尽自己最大可能将四种泳姿都学得很好。It's great to see a good IM, and to excel, one must be dedicated to learning all four strokes the best he or she can.

如果魁地奇季赛照常举行,格兰芬多队将挑选至少两名追球手苗子。If the Quidditch season takes place as usual, the Gryffindor team will hold tryouts for at least two Chaser positions.

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从信中内容我们可以推断黄苗子并告知宋庆龄夫人他即将启程去广西桂林。From this letter we could also deduce that, in his letter, Huang Miaozi informed Madam Soong he would leave for Kweilin soon.

史蒂芬-杰拉德相信许多青年学院的未来苗子有朝一日一定刮起一股英超风。Steven Gerrard believes there are several exciting prospects at the Academy who could one day take the Premier League by storm.

你可以卖出他们来为你的俱乐部改进设施或购买新的苗子换取资金。You can sell them after a few seasons to earn some money for your team to improve your facilities or to buy new young prospects.

这些阅历尚浅、二十来岁后生可是管理层的好苗子,可塑性强,领导需要什么人,他们就能成什么人。And these inexperienced twentysomethings are like raw clay to management, waiting to be molded into whatever shape the higher-ups want.

把企业中的“杂草”给拔干净了,自然对迪拜有利,因为这样企业中的“好苗子”就可以风雨无阻的茁壮成长。Dubai itself would certainly benefit from a thorough weeding-out of bad companies, so that its better enterprises can emerge unencumbered.

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对1996年至2004年深圳市引进运动员的选材测试结果进行分析,并结合运动成绩对个别优秀运动员选材测试结果加以分析,为今后选拔优秀运动员苗子提供科学依据,提高成材率。This study analyzes the selection test results of the athletes and the performance of elite athletes who are introduced to Shenzhen City during 1996 to 2004.

一旦确定哪只狗是个好苗子,有培养的前途,它就会被送它的寄养父母那里,接受正规训练前的为期六个月的强化训练。Once it's been determined whether a pup is a good candidate to be a service dog, it goes to live with foster parents for six months of intensive pre-training.

一旦确定哪只狗是个好苗子,有培养的前途,它就会被送它的寄养父母那里,接受正规训练前的为期六个月的强化训练。然而再返回拉克兰空军基地。Once it's been determined whether a pup is a good candidate to be a service dog, it goes to live with foster parents for six months of intensive pre-training.