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我们又不用靠泻药过活。We c't all live on laxatives.

我便秘了。给我点泻药。I'm constipated. I need some laxative.

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可能要医瞩开大便软化剂或泻药。A stool softener or laxative may be ordered.

他们喝的饮料都是柠檬水和泻药茶。All they drink is master cleanse and laxative tea.

它已被证明是一个很好的泻药来源。It has been proven as an excellent laxative source.

我没告诉她其实昏厥就跟泻药一样。I didn’t tell her that swooning was equally cathartic.

甚至服用泻药或灌肠才能将大便排出。Even taking laxative or enema stool will be discharged.

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泻药尤指药用致泻剂造成腹泻的。Something that purges, especially a medicinal purgative.

它是一种先进的替代泻药政府。It is an advanced alternative of laxative administration.

“泻药不治咳嗽!”店主生气的大声说。"Ex- Lax won't cure a cough! " the owner shouted angrily.

如果我吃了东西而没有做运动,我就得服用泻药。If I eat and I don’t exercise, I will have to take laxatives.

轻症者可用栓剂、无刺激性的缓泻药及洗浴等法治疗。Mild hemorrhoids may require only ointments, laxatives, and baths.

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你们就是协助〖这些像用泻药排毒一样的事件〗的催化剂。You are part of the catalyst assisting in these cathartic moments.

曼佗罗是一种强效泻药它会让你不停地往厕所跑。The thorn apple has a strong purgative –it makes you go to the toilet.

吃点泻药有助于你将肠胃中的有害物质除去。Take some purgative and it will help you purge your bowels of bad matter.

还被看到去通宵药店买泻药。She has also been seen hitting all-night drugstores, shopping for laxatives.

警方让男子吃泻药及香蕉,花了近6小时才将钻石取出。The police fed him laxatives and bananas, and recovered the stones 6 hours later.

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两个小时后,我感冒一点都没好,而且还得一直蹲在厕所里,因为我拿的是泻药。Two hours later I'm still sick and I can't leave the bathroom. They were laxatives.

无论在什么情况下,千万不要在一个晚上同时服用安眠药和泻药。Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and laxative on the same night.

病人可能会在手术前数天需要服用清液,泻药以及灌肠剂。You may be on several days of clear liquids, laxatives and enemas prior to the operation.