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斑斑驳驳,生意葱茏。To mark or mottle with spots.

山上覆盖着葱茏的草木。The hills are covered with verdure.

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溪流两岸树木葱茏,构成一道独特的风景线。Onions Mau trees along rivers, together constitute a unique scenic.

11月的巴西利亚高原,草木葱茏,气候宜人。The Brasilia Plateau in November is verdant in comfortable climate.

这里绿树葱茏,碧草如茵,清静幽雅。Here trees are luxuriantly green, green, green grass, quiet elegance.

转过头,又一个夏日铺满眼帘,树木葱茏,阳光明媚。Turning round, I discovered another bright day, trees green and bright.

正像是对于种子的遴选,这些种子必将生长出葱茏的生机。Just as is the selection for the seed, these seeds will grow a lush life.

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海水灌满的山谷中间,有许多树木葱茏的半岛和岛屿。Between these ocean-filled valleys, there are wooden peninsulas and islands.

黄山一改往日葱茏苍翠的面目,到处一片洁白,天地浑然一色。Huangshan change the verdant green look, everywhere a piece of white, and one day.

假如挫折绊倒了向往,如果追求不止,希望就依然葱茏。Iif the frustrate tripped over to look forward to, if pursued not only, hope still spring onion.

这是得天独厚的奇怪岩层,到处树木葱茏,明确溪流湖泊和强大的高峰。It is blessed with strange rock formations, verdant trees, clear streams lakes and mighty peaks.

水库周围绿林荫翳,植被葱茏,空气清新湿润,是理想的避暑旅游胜地。Green lined around the reservoir Yi, verdant vegetation, clean air and humid, is an ideal summer resort.

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原以为是树遭了虫袭,而抬望眼,却发现树的枝头已抽出一片葱茏。The original tree that was hit by a worm, and lift eyes look, they found out tree has a verdant branches.

山间沟壑纵横,林木葱茏,繁花似锦,且点缀以古洞、奇石,令人心旷神怡。Mountain ravines, verdant forests, beautiful flowers, and dotted with ancient cave, rocks, it is refreshing.

在2008年秋季,我走进墙上爬满长青藤、庭院草木葱茏的哈佛校园,开始了大学一年级的新生活。In the fall of 2008, I strolled into the lush yards and ivy-draped walls of Harvard to begin my freshman year.

这是一栋精美的房舍,白色的围墙围住一个花木葱茏的小花园,掩映着一幢三层的白色楼房。This is a fine houses, white walls around a small garden with flowers and trees, a White House of three layers.

碧叶翻成金黄的了,不知什么时候开始由葱茏走向衰竭,步入枯萎。Bi translated into golden leaf, and I do not know when to start from the verdant toward failure, into the withered.

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在这个布满生机的星上,湛蓝的陆地,葱茏的树木和很多天下闻名的建筑使它变很多姿多彩。On this vivid planet it appears colorful with azure blue seawater lush green plants and many world famous buildings.

在简化手续的大陆是在极端葱茏,但致命的异常丰富的植物群和动物群的掠夺。The continent of Fal was verdant in the extreme, but with exceptionally deadly with predatory flora and fauna abounding.

全山形势巍峨雄壮,草木植被浓郁葱茏,故有“雄秀”美称。The whole situation and towering majestic mountains, rich vegetation, verdant vegetation, and therefore, "Hung Show" laudatory.