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总统行使了他的否决权。The president used the power of veto.

他说这五个国家手中的否决权就等同于恐怖主义。Their veto was tantamount to terrorism.

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没有否决权,安理会的工作会更好。The Council Would Work Better Without the Veto.

嗯,总统有否决权,这一点是非常厉害的。Well, he has veto power, which can be very powerful.

总统威胁要对这个议案行使否决权。The President threatened to use his veto over the bill.

诚然,对预算法案动用否决权意味着冒着政府关门的风险。Of course, vetoing the budget risks a government shutdown.

俄罗斯是拥有否决权的五个安理会常任理事国之一。Russia is one of the council’s five veto-holding, permanent members.

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哪里有国家的否决权被侵蚀,哪里就有欧洲议会。And where national vetoes are eroded, there is the European Parliament.

9日,我签署法令,准予美国总统拥有单项否决权。On the ninth I signed legislation granting the President a line-item veto.

如果这个决议摆到联合国安理会面前,美国势必会行使否决权。The Americans are sure to veto the proposal if it reaches the Security Council.

给予超级大国否决权是为了让他们吵来吵去,而不要打来打去。The veto power was given to super powers forthem to jaw-jaw instead of war-war.

众议院8月1日以压过总统否决权的381票对40票通过了这份国会报告。The House on Aug. 1 passed the conference report by a veto-proof margin of 381-40.

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维茨纳曾通过谈判获得对斯诺登在片中亮相片段的否决权。Wizner had negotiated veto control over any footage featuring Snowden in the film.

中国否决权在手,提议难成大器,但是中国却因此“龙”颜大怒。This is a non-starter given China's power of veto, but the very idea infuriated China.

我建议我们大家在我所支持的医疗保健改革和单项否决权上进行合作。I suggested we work together on welfare reform and the line-item veto, which I supported.

不幸地是,否决权是不能单个废除的,这就是中国表现得如此混蛋的原因。If China cannot respect International Court Judgement, its veto power should be scrapped.

里斯本条约旨在使欧盟事务的决定权更加流畅化,更少国家拥有否决权。The Lisbon Treaty aims to streamline decision-making in the union with fewer national vetoes.

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部分否决权将为总统维护设定预算的规范性提供了一种新的手段。A line-item veto would give the President a way to insist on greater discipline in the budget.

萨科齐则警告美国行使否决权会有使中东陷入“暴力循环”的风险。Sarkozy has warned the United States will veto the Middle East into a "cycle of violence" risk.

在安理会拥有否决权的中国和俄罗斯都反对这项决议。China and Russia, both of which have veto power in the Security Council, object to the resolution.