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你无法通过自省而感受到它们的存在。You can't introspect and find them.

这就是持续的自省。It is the continual process of self-review.

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我自省、迷恋、恐惧这个肉体。I am infatuated with, self-examine and fear this body.

该方法对自省文档也同样有效。This method works equally well for introspection documents.

经常照镜自省将让我们受益匪浅。To look at ourselves in the mirror often will be very beneficial.

专家一向认为,自闭症患者缺乏想像及自省。Experts long believed that autistics lack imagination and introspection.

该类对于公布为参数的字段是自省的。The class is then introspected for fields that can be exposed as parameters.

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如果你想要通过自省揭示自私自利的想法,潜藏的危险更大。The dangers of introspection exist mostly if he is to revel in egoistic thoughts.

为自己的不足而自省,才会在挫折面前发愤努力。For my own shortcomings and introspection, will in the face of a setback to jealousy.

拥有模式的其他好处是可以在运行时对其进行自省。An additional benefit to having a model is the capability to introspect it at run time.

通过自省和核对是否在正确的轨迹上来进行周期性的部署。Regroup periodically by introspecting and checking if you are moving in the right track.

医疗改革的支持者们今年将会要深刻自省。There will be a lot of soul-searching later this year for advocates of health care reform.

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借鉴他人的观念和做法,用以自省,订正差误,是大有裨益的。It is useful for us to learn from others' ideas and practices, in order to make amendments.

以一种自然的自省方式,来思考这些试验。And think about this in that special first person ego-concerned way that comes naturally to us.

他就这样不断地自省,其实只是在自我折磨,丝毫得不到自我净化。He thus typified the constant introspection wherewith he tortured, but could not purify, himself.

土地市场自省,这也是中央政府把重点放在一个地方。The land market in self-examination, it is also the central government to focus on one of the places.

虽然尚未揭示自省过程背后的机制,但是之后肯定会有相关研究的。They do not yet reveal the neural mechanisms that underlie introspection but that will surely follow".

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但是过度的自省,会使我们总感觉遗憾,因此,还是适而可止的好。This is because at times we really feel that we are uncared for or feel someone doesn't understand us.

而且不管怎样,就算领导者自己不躬身自省,也会有很多人对他们进行事后诸葛亮式的批评。And in any event, leaders will get enough criticism and second-guessing without doing it to themselves.

但通常,将继承结构和自省一起使用会使灵活性更佳。But often, using inheritance structures together with introspection allows an even greater flexibility.