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然而,这种成功可能会自生自灭。However, that success may have run its course.

任由这些土地自生自灭就能治愈我们的星球。Leave the land alone and allow it to heal our planet.

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所以科学家们就尽可能收集数据,剩下的就自生自灭吧。So scientists collect what they can and let the rest dissipate into the ether.

他们还殴打他,将他关在一个没有暖气的小房间里,让他自生自灭。They beat him, locked him in a small unheated room, and left him there to die.

让坏习惯自生自灭,这样你就可以让它从你的生活里出局。Leave the bad habit starve and you are on your way to get it away from your life.

犯了错误就要改正错误,别任由伊拉克自生自灭。When you make a mistake you need to correct a mistake, not leave Iraq to its death.

早期的实验,是将这些“阿维达人”放到电池网格上,任其在上面自生自灭。Early experiments put the Avidians on a grid of cells, and let them live and die there.

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渔民把捕到的鲨鱼的鱼鳍割下,再把这可怜的生灵丢回大海任其自生自灭。Fishermen slice the fin off the shark and toss the creature back into the water to die.

皇帝在阿兹拉凯尔身上做了许多黑暗面试验后,让这个年轻人自生自灭。After conducting dark side experiments on Azrakel, the Emperor left the young man for dead.

那么现在你是忠诚地做同样的照管工作呢,还是不忠诚地让花园自生自灭?So do you faithfully replicate the same work, or do you unfaithfully let the garden look after itself?

所以,我解决问题的办法就是把它们放到一边儿,让它们自生自灭。Therefore, my way of solving problems is to put them aside and let them emerge and perish by themselves.

岛上森林自生自灭。现在没有人来清理这些老朽的树木来生火。Forest on the islands grows and dies by itself. Nowadays nobody chops or clears the age-old trees with fire.

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在投入巨资开发奥兹莫比新车型的同时,通用汽车让土星自生自灭,其销售也开始枯竭。While spending heavily on new models to pump up Oldsmobile, GM let Saturn languish, and its sales shriveled.

在某些活体出生的情况下,白皮书报告说监狱卫兵杀掉婴儿或者任其自生自灭。In some cases of live birth, the white paper reported that prison guards killed the infant or left it for dead.

他们设立路障,实行宵禁,管制旅行,并且把染病的人群隔离到孤岛,任其自生自灭。They set up roadblocks, curfews, travel restrictions, and they cart off anyone who is sick to an island to die.

丢了工作的工人得到的仅仅是39周的有限失业津贴,之后则任其自生自灭。Workers who lose their jobs receive only 39 weeks of limited unemployment benefits, and are then left on their own.

就像置身的这颗蓝色星球,人会像麦茬一样自生自灭,它的转动却从来不用情。Living on this blue planet that rotates automatically, human emerges of itself and again perish of itself like stubbles.

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贫苦大众被政府置之不顾而自生自灭时,有钱人却过得富足有余。And while too many have-nots have been left freely to rot, many of the haves have been having more than they could afford.

所有的计划空中打击辅助力量被取消,2506旅被孤立无援的在古巴境内自生自灭。All planned support by the U. S. Air Force is called off, and the 2506 Brigade is left stranded to fend for itself in Cuba.

不过,尽管花草自己会奋斗,我若置之不理,任其自生自灭,它们多数还是会死了的。Nonetheless, though many flowers are able to struggle by themselves, if totally left alone, most of them tend to die eventually.