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电阻是欧姆来度量的。Resistance is measured in Ohm.

低电阻的测量,4欧姆。Low-value resistance measurements to 4 Ohm.

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每一盏灯泡有120欧姆的电阻。Each of the bulbs has a resistance of 120 ohms.

欧姆表的电阻值应该超过300,000欧姆。Measured resistance should exceed 300,000 ohms.

报导说,欧姆龙为本田和丰田供应电子元件。It said Omron supplies electronic parts to Honda and Toyota.

“协创”是欧姆龙提出的全新经营模式。"Collaborative Innovation" is the kernel research mode of OMRON.

欧姆加热方法对大肠杆菌具有明显的杀死作用。Ohmic heating method had obvious sterilization effect on E. coli.

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使用欧姆计,检查电磁开关50和C接线柱。之间的电阻。Using an ohmmeter, check the resistance between terminals 50 and C.

宁波哪里有欧姆龙电子血压计?Where do there is ohm of dragon electron sphygmomanometer in Ningbo?

尽管如此,欧姆龙不承担任何责任的错误或遗漏。Nevertheless, OMRON assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions.

欧姆接触的好坏,对高功率半导体激光器至关重要。Ohmic contact is a critical factor for high power semiconductor lasers.

提高湿化程度可以减小膜的欧姆损失。The humidification can be weak in the loss from the electric resistance.

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内置的10V激发供应能够驱动一个350欧姆桥接器。The built-in 10V excitation supply is capable of driving a 350 ohm bridge.

各城市的协议酒店请参考附件“欧姆龙协议酒店一览表”。Please see the annex Omron Contract Hotels Listing for hotels in each city.

这个小的电阻值通常用数字多用表或者微欧姆计来测量。This small resistance is normally measured with a DMM or a micro- ohmmeter.

在电感设计中,直流电阻愈小愈好,其量测单位为欧姆,通常以其最大值为标注。The unit of measure is ohms, and it is usually specified as a maximum rating.

另外还考虑了电池电化学反应热对欧姆极化的影响。The influence of reaction heat on the ohm polarization was also accounted for.

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最明显的系统就是基本的MKS单位,用伏特、安培和欧姆表示。The most obvious set is simply the basic MKS units of volts, amperes and ohms.

接触电阻一般非常小其范围在微欧姆到几个欧姆之间。This resistance is normally very small, ranging from micro-ohms to a few ohms.

介绍了以欧姆龙PLC为核心的轨枕养护控制系统。This paper introduces control system of sleeper maintenance based on OMRON PLC.