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把那家什拿稳了。Hold that thing steady.

遗体等著下葬,还有一屋子家什待人清理。There's a body to be buried, a house full of stuff to get rid of.

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德尔诺的家什总值不到一百美元。The sum-total value of Delno’s possessions wouldn’t be a hundred dollars.

他们在公园附近有一处很好的房子,阿拉丁的母亲也有了不少漂亮的家什。They had a nice house near the gardens and she had many beautiful things.

他们在公园附近有一处很好的房子,阿拉丁的母亲也有了不少漂亮的家什。They had 1 a nice house near the gardens and she had many beautiful things.

以写实的手法描绘无生命的物体,比如花、水果、家什等。A realistic depiction of inanimate objects, esp. flowers, fruit, or domestic items.

他说一切用得上的家什都在船上整整齐齐摆着。鱼饵也有人去捞了。He said the gear was all in good shape on the boat and he had a boy out after bait.

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那些家什被大火全部烧毁了的居民得到了红十字会的援助。The residents, all of which had been damaged by the fire, were given help by the Red Cross.

但是,他们还得生活呀,于是精湛的金属加工技能,只能用来打造平淡无奇的家什。Still, they had to earn a living, so they put their metalworking skills to more prosaic use.

“咱们把家什嗱回家去吧,”孩子说。“这样我可能嗱了鱼网去逮沙丁鱼。”Let us take the stuff home, " the boy said. "So I can get the cast net and go after the sardines.

屋里没有什么家什和用具,很明显,赛克斯先生遇上艰难的日子了。The re were so few possessions or comforts in the room that it was clear Mr Sikes had met hard times.

到时他将开租来的卡车拉上全部家什,我跟在后面帮他把小车开过去,然后乘飞机返回。He would drive a rental truck loaded with his belongings and I would follow him in his sedan, then fly back.

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她又想,那么大一幢房子,总该有些家什,不然显得空空荡荡的。In addition, she thought that there ought to be some furniture in the big house, or it would seem too empty.

屋内的家什用具已经搬走,不过,还能看得出来,这里不久前曾住过一个白人。The impetuous earnestness of the girl awed the young man, for never before had he seen her so serious and determined.

她很擅长缝连补缀,一旦买不起新家什,她便扯些蓝布头,自裁自缝出个布套子把旧家什装扮上。She pretty good with the sewing machine. Anything she can't buy new of, she just get her some blue material and sew it a cover.

可是大宅子已经有了,那每个院里家什也都添置了的,都是全新的,应该不用再多花什么了吧。But the big house have been already had, that Shi also all adds to place of, is all all current, ought need not spent more again what.

洛尔查的每一个人都能指出当时他们家人逃往的山区,描述当时携带家什踏着厚重的积雪艰难跋涉的场景。Every man in Lorcha can point to the mountain his family fled to and describe arduous journeys through thick snow lugging whatever they could carry.

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有一只猫,听说饲养场有几只鸡病了,就乔扮成医生模样,带上看病家什,去探望病鸡。A cat learning that there were some sick chickens in a small farm disguised himself as a doctor and taking with him the tools of the trade called on them.

果然一切应用家什都在,隆家人匆忙带走的都是些财宝金银。Indeed as anticipated ugg boots whole Shis in ugg boots applying house all at, the Long family's rush takes of namely all some valuables gold ugg tall silvers.

不过,联邦政府并没有运输大量平民的经验,更别说还有家什、农具、家畜等等。However, the federal government had no experience in transporting large numbers of civilians, let alone their household effects, farming equipment, and livestock.