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这些易碎的箱子完整无损地运到了。The fragile boxes arrived intact.

这些货物的包装完整无损。The packing of the goods is in good order.

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对供应商的无损检测过程进行抽查。Spot check of N. D. T. performed by supplier.

在这过程中班饱受惊吓,但他却毫发无损。Ben had a big scare but escaped without injury.

根据检查报告包装完整无损。The packaging is all right according to the report.

提出一种高光谱图像的近无损压缩方法。A near-lossless compression algorithm was presented.

通道提供无损的,有序的信息队列”。A channel provides a lossless, in-order message queue”.

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提出的结构可以应用于实现PFC的无源无损吸收。It can also be used for passive lossless snubber in PFC.

无损的誓约像明灯一样照亮精神上的无明。The unbroken samaya is a lamp lit in spiritual darkness.

不过,并非所有的中国汽车企业都会毫发无损。But not all Chinese car companies would escape unscathed.

一种免费的快速且压缩比很好的无损音频格式。A very fast Free lossless audio format with good compression.

我们应该尽力保持我们的文化完整无损。We should try our best to keep our cultural integrity intact.

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熟悉无损检测质量保证系统,能编制相关文件。Be familiar with NDT QA system and can write related document.

在定量无损检测的研究中,K。For approaching the quantitative non-destructive evaluation K.

红外成像技术是一种新型而有效的无损检测方法。Infrared thermography is a new and effective technology of NDT.

一盏灯点燃另一盏灯,却无损自己的光芒。One oil-lamp can light another one without losing its own light.

无损探伤是对结构和焊接接头进行检验的主要手段。NDT is the primary method to check the structures and weld joints.

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红外热成像技术是混凝土无损检测技术中的一项新课题。Applying IR thermography technique to concrete NDT is a new subject.

最后对心电数据量化压缩的结果进行无损的二次压缩。Finally, the quantization result is recompressed by lossless encoder.

实现了螺旋焊管无损检测的数字化。It realized digital of nondestructive testing for spiral welded pipe.