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成为实践理想主义者?Be practical idealists?

好了,让我们来描述实践吧。Okay, on to the practices.

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最佳实践是什么?What about best practices?

他们会实践神秘主义吗?Do they practice occultism?

有提示或“最佳实践”么?Any tips or “best practises”?

时时刻刻都要使用该实践。Do the practice all the time.

这是一个崇尚最佳实践方法的世界。Call it a best-practice world.

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治理和最佳实践。Governance and best practices.

实践"30天自我关注"Practice self-care for 30 days

我们不实践物种歧视。We do not practice speciesism.

他没有实践他的诺言。He has fallen from his promise.

认识始于实践。Knowledge conies from practice.

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惩戒是轻易就可以付诸实践的事情。Punishment is an easy reaction.

基本实践塑制了“人”。The basic practicemoulds "man."

但是我如何才能运用于实践呢?But how can I apply to practice?

最后,于安全保障中实践一切。And above all, practice safe sex.

实行最佳实践。Implementation of best-practices.

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认识来源于实践。Knowledge originates in practice.

实践是取得任何技能的要诀。Practice is the key to any skill.

吃一堑,长一智。实践出真知。No practice, no gain in one's wit.