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她是个百里挑一的人。Shes one in a million.

他是百里挑一的人。He is one in a thousand.

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你可真是百里挑一啊!You are one in a million!

她是个百里挑一的姑娘。She is a girl in a million.

他真是百里挑一。He is really one in a million.

韦斯顿先生是百里挑一的人。Mr Weston is such an excellent man.

任何人都能成为百里挑一的朋友!Anyone can be a one-in-a-million friend!

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她认为她的丈夫是百里挑一的好人。She thinks her husBand is a man in a million.

百里挑一的好日子正一步一步地向我靠近。The creamofthe crop is a good step by step closer to me.

我要介绍给你的人可真正是百里挑一的啊。The guy who I wanna introduce to you is one in a million.

我要介绍给你的人可真正是百里挑一的啊。I want to introduce you to a person who is one in a million.

我要介绍给你的人可真正是百里挑一的啊。The person I would love to introduce to you is one of a million.

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回忆一下您最近去买冰淇淋、或者在诸多品牌中百里挑一时的情况吧。Think about the last time you went to get ice cream or choose one brand out of hundreds.

那一年,他以优异的成绩考上了大学,成为那个时代百里挑一的“天之骄子”。That year, Wu entered a university with excellent score, and became the only" favored one by God" in that area.

事实上,真正满怀激情地为工作而工作的人,大概百里挑一吧。In fact there is perhaps only one human being in a thousand who is passionately interested in his job for the job sake.

众多演奏家也是百里挑一之人才,其艺术修养、风格、表演技巧,均为一代名师。The well selected performers were all masters distinguished for their artistic attainments, unique styles and performing skills.

事实说明了他是一名百里挑一的奇才,他对赛鸽运动有着强烈热爱和贡献。And I believe that this was reflected in the fact that he was a hard culler based upon a very strong love for and commitment too the sport.

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所有的商品都是百里挑一,满足你独到挑剔的眼光。有多种支付方式,配送安全快速。All the goods are selected from hundreds of them to satisfy the picky you. Many payment terms are available and the delivery is safe and fast.

女人也讨厌花花公子。那些随时准备红杏出墙,即使他们已经有了一个贤良淑德,百里挑一的女朋友或者妻子的男人。Women hate womanizers, men who go for anything on skirt even when they have preferred, and better behaved women as either girlfriends or wives.

屡获殊荣的驻店大厨与百里挑一的市场与食品专家,共同为客人打造超凡的美食体验。Catch the is stationed in inn large kitchen and one in hundred market of special honour and food expert repeatedly, make transcendental cate experience for the guest jointly.