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瞳孔转动和膝盖弯屈正常吗?Are papillary and knee reflexes normal?

他深红色的瞳孔被粉红色的虹膜包裹着。His irises were pink with dark red pupils.

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虹膜的开口处叫做瞳孔。The opening of the iris is called the pupil.

瞳孔的扩张和眼睛的跟踪注视。Pupil dilation and the following of the eyes.

另一个她对你有兴趣的信号是瞳孔的扩张。Another sign she's interested is pupil dilation.

晶体是引起瞳孔阻滞的主要因素。The lens is the main factor causing papillary block.

放开手在喧闹的大街,找不到瞳孔中的画面。Let go hand in a noisy streets, find the pupil picture.

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只是它们的每个眼睛有两个瞳孔,一个在水面上,一个在水面下。But each eye has two pupils, one above water, one below.

涉过你轻薄的镜片,我看到深邃的瞳孔。Has forded your frivolous lens, I see the profound pupil.

无神的瞳孔,将会为你永远绽放彩虹般的光彩。Atheism of the pupil, will you never bloom rainbow-like luster.

适合目光无神或瞳孔偏黄的顾客选用,无需配色。It fit to use by the customers whose pupil colour close yellow.

作为对光线作出的反应,眼睛的瞳孔会放大或缩小。The pupil of the eye dilates and contracts in response to light.

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有时,我觉得需要扩大瞳孔才能精神集中。Sometimes, I feel I need to dilate my pupils to remain attentive.

这样会缩小你的瞳孔,降低产生红眼的可能性。It reduces the size of your pupils and the possibility of red-eye.

光线强时瞳孔变小,弱时变大。The pupil becomes smaller in bright light and larger in dim light.

通过这样处理可有效的将虹膜与瞳孔、巩膜分离。Such treatment can be effective to separate iris, pupil, and sclera.

如果凑得很近看,瞳孔一拳向纯纯的蜂蜜。And if you really closely around the iris the colour is purely honey.

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患眼的瞳孔对光的反应,也会呈现异常的现象。Pupil of the eye in response to light, will show abnormal phenomenon.

全部术眼术后炎性反应轻微,瞳孔圆。All the patients had very mild postoperative reaction and round pupil.

瞳孔透过琉璃球看阳光里,满是曾经的回忆和甜蜜酸楚。Pupil through the glass ball in the sun, full of memories and sweet and sour.