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中等硬度铸铁。Smithing cast iron.

灰口铸铁的热处理。Gray cast iron heat treatment.

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可选铸铁接线盒可用。Optional cast terminal box available.

那座旧铸铁厂真是“连”地狱都不如。That old iron works was a real hellhole.

铝铸铁视镜可用。Aluminum Cast with sight glass available.

铸钢,青铜,铸铁和合金阀门。Cast Steel, Bronze, Iron and Alloy Valves.

建筑中许多铸铁构件经重新铸造得以更换。Much of the cast-iron was recast and replaced.

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这台机器有许多部件是铸铁造的。This machine has many parts made of cast iron.

单件铸铁基地允许较重的削减。One-piece iron casting base allows heavier cuts.

阀门特性,青铜,黄统,红铜和铸铁。Valve Properties Bronze, Brass, Copper and Iron.

它们是由铸铁和离心铸造。They are made of cast iron and centrifugally cast.

铸铁提供最大限度的抗磨损性。Cast iron provides maximum resistance against wear.

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铸钢件、铸铁件可就近采购。Steel casting and iron casting may purchase nearby.

本公司可以生产各种牌号的铸铁。The company can produce various brands of cast iron.

下面要介绍的这些炊具都是用搪瓷铸铁做成的。Any of the following items come in enameled cast iron

用于强度要求不高的灰口铸铁件的焊补。For repair welding on general grey cast iron weldment.

铸铁阀体和球墨铸铁阀帽是标准配置。Cast Iron bodies and Ductile Iron bonnets are standard.

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铸铁大约由六种不同的物质组成。Cast-iron is made up of about six different substances.

铸铁在抗拉强度上比不上钢。Cast iron cannot compare with steel in tensile strength.

铸铁在抗张强度方面比不上钢。Cast iron can not compare with steel in tensile strength.