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国内生产总值增长速度按可比价格计算。GDP growth rate is calculated at comparable prices.

本表按可比价格计算。Data in this table are calculated at constant pieces.

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本表数据按可比价格计算。Data in this table are calculated at constant prices.

国内生产总值增长速度按可比价格计算。Growth rates for Gross Domestic Product are calculated at comparable prices.

本表绝对数按当年价格计算,指数桉可比价格计算。Values in this table are based on current prices, indices are based on comparable prices.

本表增加值按当年价格计算,指数按可比价格计算。Data in this table are calculated at current prices. Indices are based on comparable prices.

国内生产总值增长速度按可比价格计算,下表同。The growth rates of GDP are calculated at comparable prices. The same as in the following tables.

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本表增加值按当年价格计算,指数按可比价格计算。Gross Value-added of industry are calculated at current prices, Indices are based on comparable prices.

本表产值按当年价格计算,指数按可比价格计算。Gross output value of industry are calculated at current prices, Indices are based on comparable prices.

本表绝对数按当年价格计算,增长速度按可比价格计算。Absolute figures in this table are calculated at current prices, while growth rates are calculated at constant price.

在这种情况下,对竞争产品装配可比价格系列也许是困难的或不可能的。In such circumstances, even assembling comparable price series for competing products may be difficult or impossible.

本表增加值按当年价格计算,指数按可比价格计算。Value-added in this table are calculated at current prices. The indices in this table are calculated at comparable prices.

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本表价值量指标按当年价格计算,发展速度按可比价格计算。Figures in value terms are calculated at current prices, While the indices and growth rates are calculated at comparable prices.

对农民隐性负担,我们着重讨论利用劳动力可比价格法测算工农业产品剪刀差和利用投入产出表测算流转税转嫁负担。Our attention is paid to the implicit burden, and the comparable labor force method and input-output table are employed to measure scissors cross and indirect tax burden respectively.