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我去游泳池了。I went to natatorium.

这是我们的游泳池。This is our swimming-pool.

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你能沿着游泳池游回来吗?Can you swim down the pool?

他们正泡在游泳池里。They are dunking in the pool.

我们去银洞游泳池。Rebecca plunged into the pool.

他仰泳游过游泳池。He backstroked across the pool.

附近有游泳池吗?Be there a swimming-pool near by?

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游泳池的水冷热如何?。She dived into the swimming-pool.

她头向下跳进游泳池里。She dived into the swimming-pool.

他能在游泳池里游三趟。He can swin three laps in the pool.

我们这里是恒温游泳池。The swimming pool is in-door heated.

他们在游泳池游泳。They are swimming in the natatorium.

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社区洗衣房,游泳池和娱乐室。Community laundry, pool and rec room.

雅各把游泳池的水注满了。Jacob is filling the pool with water.

她在游泳池里能来回游一趟。She can swim two lengths of the pool.

我们去银洞游泳池。We're going to Yin Dong swimming pool.

还有,你不能在游泳池游戏机。Still , you cant swim in the kiddy pool.

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游泳池里全是泥。The swimming pool is filled up with mud.

我的学校就在游泳池的对面。My school is acro from the swimming pool.

我们拥有75米长的游泳池和我们的酒吧。We had the 75m pool and bar to ourselves.