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树林深处野鸽的哀诉声。The stock dove plain amid the forest deep.

野鸽在浓密的树林中哀诉。Thee stock dove plain amid the forest deep.

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然而野鸽在颜色和种类上也会变化。However feral pigeons vary in colour and patterns.

中午,大雨过后,野鸽悠然地在平台的一片水漥上洗澡、歇息。Noon, after rain, a few Feral Pigeons take bath in shallow water.

“告诉我雪花有多重,”一只山雀问一只野鸽子。"Tell me the weight of a snowflake, "a titmouse asked a wild dove.

今天,周家庆祝迁进大埔野鸽居24周年。Today the Chau family celebrates the 24th anniversary of our stay at Villa Paloma , Taipo.

家鸽是从野鸽分化而来的,是世界上最早被人类驯化的鸟类。The domestic pigeon, derived from the rock pigeon, is the world's oldest domesticated bird.

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吉诺曼姨妈惊异地看到光明突然降临到她这陈旧的家中来了,这种惊异毫无恶意,她一点没有用讽刺和嫉妒的枭鸟式的目光来看这对野鸽。Aunt Gillenormand looked on in amazement at this irruption of light in her elderly household.

几乎所有鸟类都吃,但雉鸡,野鸽,野鸭,天鹅等更是深受其害。Virtually all birds are eaten but pheasants , pigeons, ducks, and geese are especially endangered.

一只独栖在低枝上的野鸽,在珠儿来到树下时没有飞开,只是发出一声既象问候又象惊讶的叫声。A pigeon, alone on a low branch, allowedPearl to come beneath, and uttered a sound as much of greeting as alarm.

一只独栖在低校上的野鸽,在珠儿来到树下时没有飞开,只是发出一声既象问候又象惊讶的叫声。A pigeon, alone on a low branch, allowed Pearl to come beneath, and uttered a sound as much of greeting as alarm.

非常遗憾,我没法和非洲野鸽和大象、翻筋斗的巨人或穿着高跟鞋的雕像一起工作。It’s regrettable that I could not work with tambourines and elephants, giants doing cartwheels, or statues wearing high heels.

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已往,这里树木丛生,百草丰茂,有很多野鸽子出没,以是这两块儿巨石又叫鸽子窝。In the past, it was overgrown with luxuriant clusters of trees haunted by stock doves, and so the rocks are called pigeon nests.

我看到开满了花的玫瑰树所组成的篱笆。野鸽子在高大的树枝间飞翔。Wild doves fluttered among the branches of the tall trees, and when the sunbeams floated on their wings they shone like mother-of-pearl.

研究团队表示这项研究为野鸽利用此能力在城镇区域利益最大化提供了实验性的依据。The team said the study provided the first experimental evidence of feral pigeons using the ability to maximise benefits provided by urban areas.

许多野鸽在峭壁的上空盘旋,它们的窝在峰顶上,实际是参差不齐的花岗石边缘上的一些小孔。The nests of the rock pigeons which fluttered at its summit were only, in reality, holes bored at the very top, and on the irregular edge of the granite.

研究者发现生活在城镇中的野鸽很可能是利用了他们日常觅食活动中的“记忆和分类”的能力。They suggested that feral pigeons within urban environments probably used their "memory and categorisation abilities in their daily foraging activities".

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尽管鸽子在实验室里接受培训时展现了非常显著的感知能力,但这是第一次研究证明了未受过训练的的野鸽也有类似的能力。Although pigeons have shown remarkable feats of perception when given training in the lab this is the first research showing similar abilities in untrained feral pigeons.

通过对195只在城市野鸽的颜色和健康状况的评估,他们发现深色的鸽子血液里含有较少的名为haemosporidian的寄生虫。By assessing the colouration and state of health of 195 free-living urban pigeons, they found that darker pigeons had lower concentrations of a blood parasite called haemosporidian.