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如同被雷击一样。I was thunderstruck.

婚姻如同一把锁。Wedlock is a padlock.

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我们如同手足兄弟。We were like brothers.

如同椴树枝叶般旖旎。As leaf of linden-tree.

如同附在椽和草叶上。As to rafters or grass.

看起来村民如同蚂蚁一般渺小。Villagers are ant-like.

如同箭矢离弦。As arrow from the string.

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如同夏雨之骤。Like to the summer's rain.

如同已降临的这两次。As these that twice befell.

如同有衣无袖。Like a coat has no sleeves.

形式如同河堤。Form is like the riverbanks.

这就如同牵引一个工具一样。And it’s like pulling a tool.

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我的身体如同南达的家。My body will be Nanda's home.

如同温柔的牧牛姑娘。Will be Thy gentle gopi maids.

如同有树无叶。Like a tree without its leaves.

活着吧、如同今日是末日丿样。To life, like today is the end.

升起你全部木叶如同旌旗招展。Hang all your leafy banners out!

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跳舞吧,如同没有人注视一样。And dance like no one‘s watching.

在鲁迅的眼中,时间就如同生命。In Lu Xun's eyes, time is a life.

从那之后,一切就如同滚雪球一般。And from there, it all snowballed.