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那家银行已遭劫三次。That bank has been held up three times.

香港游客在菲律宾遭劫持,8人遇害。HK tourists killed in Manila hostage incident.

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该机起飞不久便遭劫持。The plane was hijacked soon after it took off.

一回到家,我就发现家中遭劫。Upon my arrival home, I discovered the burglary.

中国船员泰国湄公河遭劫,13人全部遇害。Attack on Chinese boats on Mekong River kills 13.

那架飞机在飞往德里途中遭劫持。The plane was hijacked while on a flight to Delhi.

当然,乔治有理由盼望这个银行遭劫。Of course, George had a reason for wanting the bank to be robbed.

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油轮遭劫持后与外界失去联系。After the tanker was hijacked lost contact with the outside world.

“我真希望中央银行遭劫。”乔治·皮肯斯自言自语道。I wish Central Bank would be robbed, "George Pickens said to himself."

确实,在这场骚乱中没有一家图书馆或者Waterstone书店遭劫。Indeed, not a single library or Waterstone’s was looted in all the chaos.

该公司表示正在联系遭劫持人员的亲属。The company says it's trying to contact relatives of the kidnapped crewmen.

在现实中,古巴横遭劫运,破败不堪,而格瓦拉众叛亲离,一命呜呼。In reality, Cuba got plundered and decimated, and Che got betrayed and shot.

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起码我不会遭劫。我只要咳嗽几声,他们就不会抢我。At least I won't get mugged. I just give a few coughs and they'll leave me alone.

此后这两名男子袭击了一位职员,目前尚不清楚是否有财物遭劫。The men assaulted one funeral home worker. It's unclear if the robbers took anything.

前几天,一位101岁高龄的老太太在家遭劫她的钱包被贼偷了。Well, the other day , a 101 years old woman was mugged at home and had her purse stolen.

当局正在设法了解遭劫持的学生人数,并联络家长。Authorities are trying to understand the number of students hijacked and contact parents.

我从未遭劫,也未受到任何身体伤害,也许是因为我长得结实。I have never been mugged or physically molested in any way, possibly because of my large build.

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在另外一封信中,一名男子正在思索能否让她的够安乐死,以防止在2012年遭劫。Another came from a person pondering whether to put her dog to sleep to avoid suffering in 2012.

本周二可以看见一束鲜花摆放在遭劫持的汽车前,这是为了纪念马尼拉的人质受害者。A bouquet of flowers offered to the Manila hostage victims is seen in front of the seized bus Tuesday.

屡次遭劫却又逮不住罗宾的郡长火冒三丈,他又去向女巫求救。Repeated looting but Robin could not catch the sheriff was furious with himself, where he Witch for help.