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谁散了笛声韵在那里胡乱地涂抹。Who is the flute rhyme where casually daub.

我推荐你读一些介绍诗歌声韵知识的书。I recommend that you read some books on sound meter.

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嘉兴话的声韵调系统中,有声母31个,韵母42个,声调9个。In its phonetic system, there are 31 initials, 42 finals and 9 tones.

连叠具有使语义强化、声韵和谐的表达效果。Reiterative can intensify the meaning and make the rhythm harmonious.

探寻汉语声韵美的构成规律,有利于充分发挥汉语的表达功能的作用。Seeking for the structural rules of the beautiful rhyme and rhythm in.

本章运用历史层次理论,梳理祁阳方言声韵音类历史层次。The first quarter teased the strata of some sound category in Qiyang Dialect.

第二章描写郧县方言的声韵调系统。The second chapter describes the phonology transfer system of Yunxian dialect.

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因此其评书说演在听觉上,更有一种铿锵崎岖的声韵美感。That ballad Thus the ballad, said in hearing is more a feeling of rolling steel.

文章介绍百合平话的声韵调系统和音韵特点,并列出同音字汇。It is an introductory to the rhyme, the pronunciation and homophone in Ziyang Town.

毕业后,一边教学,一边刻苦钻研古文,研究文字声韵。After graduation, while teaching, study hard while writing, research writing Phonology.

变异修辞的功能可见于它的声韵功能、象似功能和美学功能。The functions of deviated rhetoric can be found in onomatopoeia, iconicity and aesthetics.

她唱着旧日的歌曲声韵凄清,她聚敛着愁眉,谁是知音与听?An old melody dreary sounds, Locking listeners' brows in frowns, yet for whom is it performed?

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学习汉语拼音一定要先学会区分声韵。In studying Chinese, one must first learn to distinguish between initial consonants and vowels.

本研究要讨论焦点字在这两个语言群组中的声韵表现。The issues of the acoustical expression of focus words in the two language groups are discussed.

声韵调的音类划分有各自不同的特点。The sound class of initials and finals is determined according to their different characteristics.

本文主要描写了马迹话音系,内容包括马迹话的声韵调系统和马迹话同音字汇两个部分。This article mainly introduce the pronunciation system of Ma Ji dialect, that including two parts.

这个孩子从一开始就表现出对写作和声韵的出类拔萃。From the beginning, it was evident that this boy was to be drawn to writing and the sound of words.

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一为以艺术为上的纯艺术派,强调高妙意境、声韵美感的神韵,或者说唯美派。The other is pure artical pattern emphasized ingenious feeling and wonderful charm or artistic only.

论文从声、韵、调、音节四个方面论述了它们与古典诗词的声韵之美和达意传情之间的关系。The paper expounds the relations between the phonetics and the feelings of poem from following four aspects.

宝玉听了此曲,散漫无稽,不见得好处,但其声韵凄惋,竟能销魂醉魄。Baoyu could see no merit in these disjointed and cryptic songs, but the plaintive music intoxicated his senses.