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结核病是可治愈的。TB is curable.

结核病致死率继续下降。Deaths from TB continue to decline.

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结核性腱鞘炎是罕见的肺外结核病。His left lung is affected by tuberculosis.

我采集了许多可治结核病的草药。I have collected a lot of herbs good for T. B.

结核病/艾滋病毒合并感染是另一个令人关注的重大问题。Co-infection with HIV is another major concern.

结核病仍需要更高的可见度和更多关注。TB still needs better visibility and attention.

市疾控中心结核病防治科陈秀兵医师说。City of CDC TB Division Chen Xiubing doctor said.

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至于结核病,控制努力正在奏效。For tuberculosis, control efforts are paying off.

在今天这个时代,任何人都不应死于结核病。In this day and age, no one should be dying from TB.

因此,国产FDC适合在湖南省结核病控制项目中推广。Overall FDC could be widely used in Hunan TB control.

药物敏感结核病如何成为耐药结核病?How does drug-susceptible TB become drug-resistant TB?

他们相信这种抗生素可以缩短治疗结核病的疗程达2到3个月。They believe it could shorten treatment by 2-3 months.

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因为我觉得自己好像得到了结核病,所以去约堡医院。I went to Joburg Hospital because I felt like I had TB.

标准的结核病疫苗是卡介苗。The standard vaccination against tuberculosis is the BCG.

曼奇家有几个人都是死于结核病。Several of the Munch's family members died of tuberculosis.

类似的关于结核病诊断学的研究也正在印度进行.Similar work on TB diagnostics is also being done in India.

今年10月发表的这项研究把重点放在了结核病的RDTs上。The study, published last October, focussed on RDTs for TB.

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她有一个三岁的女儿,也得了结核病。She has a 3-year-old daughter who is also diagnosed with TB.

结核病是世界第一传染病杀手。TB is the number-one infectious disease killer in the world.

每天有五千人死于结核病,而这一疾病是可以治愈的。Five thousand people die of TB, a curable disease, every day.