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师德,是热爱孩子的赤诚之心。Ethics, is the love of the child 's heart.

师德,是在希望田野上的辛勤耕耘。Ethics, in the hope the field of hard work.

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她们的婚礼是由犹太教大师德妮丝-伊格主持的。The ceremony was solemnized by a rabbi, Denise Eger.

万分不齿这个“老师”的师德!This pathetic excuse for a "teacher" seemed to have no morals.

教师、师德、师风是一个永恒的话题。Teachers, teachers' morals and teachers' morale are an eternal theme.

师德师风建设是教师队伍最根本的建设。The basic building of a teaching body is the teachers moral building.

“不要弄得太复杂,”她的造型师德博拉·韦克宁说。"Not trying too hard, " says the 20-year-old's stylist Deborah Waknin.

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也是从培训中我知道了开展师德师风活动的重要性。Also from the training I know the importance of developing teachers' virtue.

师德建设要与法规制度相结合,在校风学风、校园文化建设上下功夫。The construction of teacher's ethics and statute system should be integrated.

具有坚定的政治立场、良好的师德师风和团结协作精神。Have a firm political position, good ethics and manners and be a good team player.

学生和教师对北京体育大学教师师德的总体现状满意。An overall satisfaction on teacher virtue lies among the students and teachers in BSU.

教师对学生的爱,简称为“师爱”,是师德的核心,即“师魂”。Teachers love students, referred to as "love", is the core of morality, namely "the soul".

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加强教师队伍建设,提高教师的师德和业务水平。We should build up the ranks of teachers and raise their professional ethics and competence.

绝地大师德帕?比拉巴在战争中率领“高地解放阵线”对抗巴拉韦人。Jedi Master Depa Billaba came to lead the Upland Liberation Front in war against the Balawai.

注重师德师风建设,加强青少年思想道德教育。We will attach importance to teachers' professional ethics and moral instruction of children.

好的师德师风的一个具体表现,就是在师生之间保持一种人格上的平等。Good performance of a specific, that is, between teachers and students on an equal personality.

第三章新时期高校师德建设的意义。Chapter III Significances of construction of Teacher's ethics of college teachers in new period.

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并针对此提出对师德师风建设的几点建议。Based on these, the paper presents several suggestions to improve morality and style of teachers.

真正的师德,能够唤起教师内在的尊严,激发教师创造的欢乐。The true morality, to arouse the inherent dignity of teachers, to inspire teachers to create joy.

作为一名教育工作者,“学会宽容,懂得遗忘”是一种崇高的师德,一份真挚的师爱。As the teaching staff, learning tolerance and oblivion is one kind of great virtue and truehearted love.