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年幼的孩子是个牵累。Young children are a tie.

他们有两个年幼的女儿。They have two young daughters.

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我还思念我年幼的妹妹们。I even missed my little sisters.

可敦女士有两个年幼的孩子。Ms. Khatun has two small children.

我那时太年幼了,就相信了他。So, I was young and I believed him.

后来,年幼的布鲁特斯走进了他的生活。Then baby Brutus came into his life.

我非常感谢蒙师在我年幼时给予我的教育。I am very grateful to my first teacher.

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自己年幼无知,深受他们影响。Their young ignorance, by their influence.

海伦·阿索拉教授最年幼的孩子。Helen Arzola teaches the youngest children.

米斯蒂•迪马尔斯是一位有着两个年幼儿子的母亲。Misty DeMars is a mother of two young boys.

在我年幼时,我曾有一头金发。I used to have blonde hair when I was a kid.

年幼的和尚每天早晨当当地敲钟。The young monk clangs the bell every morning.

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这个故事显示了一个年幼无知的男孩的成长。The story shows the growth of an innocent boy.

但我其时年幼无知。,现在唯有泪水涟涟,感念满襟。But I was young and foolish. or am full of tears.

尽管这个小男孩尚年幼,可已经学了不少知识。Young as he is, the little boy has learned a lot.

这一切都被年幼的小红桃看在眼里。All this was young little red peach see in the eye.

在我年幼时,我曾有一头金发。I used to have blonde hair when I was a little boy.

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他因年幼无知而受到从宽处理。It was his youth and inexperience that got him off.

大男孩有时会蛮横地对待较年幼的小学生。Big boys sometimes domineer over the younger pupils.

我父亲在我年幼时就教我钓鱼了。My father taught me to fish when I was a little boy.