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她打扮得珠光宝气。She was tricked out in jewels.

她一身珠光宝气出现在招待会上。She appeared at the reception with splendid jewels.

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孟买,婚礼上一位珠光宝气、手涂指甲花的新娘。Bejewelled bride with henna hands at Mumbai wedding.

没有珠光宝气,没有另类感觉。Without the coquettishness of jewel, without the feeling of other kind.

女士们会穿着珠光宝气、价格昂贵的衣服,You know, ladies will wear their most expensive garments dripping in jewelry

奥斯卡颁奖夜晚,不仅女士们珠光宝气,就连一些男士也是如此。On Oscar night some of the women are dripping in ice, and so are some of the men.

珠光宝气,奢华盛典!山东省第一珠宝展艳压群芳!Splendor of jewels, luxurious ceremony, No. 1 Jewelry Exhibition of Shandong Province.

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你会看到表演者老练的移动和他们刻意把自己妆扮得珠光宝气。You will see the players who moves are practiced and almost jaded in their application.

这里虽然珠光宝气,但美中不足就是缺少现代化的家用电器。Let's call it the Palace of Beauty! Though it is richly jeweled , it has no modern electric appliances.

在她的颈子上和手上闪着珠光宝气,还有些珠宝手饰在桌上闪闪发光。Some bright jewels sparkled on her neck and on her hands, and some other jewels lay sparkling on the table.

我叹了口气,眼望着店铺橱窗里那些珠光宝气的钻石,那些戒指,还有排得整整齐齐的金表。I sighed, looking at the glittering diamonds in the store window, the rings and the neat rows of golden watches.

这是一位舞女,珠光宝气,披着淡蓝的斗篷,陶醉于美酒般的青春之中。It was the dancing girl, starred with jewels, clouded with a pale-blue mantle, drunk with the wine of her youth.

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虽然他们不愿让孩子们吃饱,可是他们却常常到教堂里去坐着,满身珠光宝气。Although they would not allow the children to be fed, they went to church and to chapel, glittering with jewellery.

女孩子也不要佩戴过多首饰,这位真人秀明星认为太珠光宝气的女人会让人觉得养不起。Nor should a girl overaccessorise, as the reality star believes too much jewellery makes a woman look high-maintenance.

女孩子也不要佩戴过多首饰,这位真人秀明星认为太珠光宝气的女人会让人觉得养不起。Norr should a girl overaccessorise, as the reality star believes too much jewellery makes a woman look high-maintenance.

当你在路边经过一辆豪华的马车时,那丝绸帘子忽然卷起来,探出一个珠光宝气的妇人。As you pass an elaborate coach moving slowly on the path, the silk curtain suddenly swings open to reveal a bejewelled woman.

富有个性的企业文化推广活动,模特秀珠光宝气的表演让您感受珠宝慑人心魄的魅力。The characteristic promotion activities for enterprises culture and model shows will help you enjoy the extreme charms of jewelry.

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19世纪,法国妇女的服饰为头插摇曳的羽毛,戴着珠光宝气的首饰,身穿镶有轻纱花边的衣裙。In the 19th century, French women wore muslin lace frocks and resplendent jewels with swaying decorations of feathers on their heads.

英国的女士们与先生们交叉而坐,满身珠光宝气,玛丽看得都入了神。The English ladies seated between the gentlemen at the dinner wore such beautiful jewels that Marie could not take her eyes off them.

在昨晚的舞会上,贝利夫人身穿缀有红宝石的天鹅绒的衣服,戴着许多钻石,满身珠光宝气,看上去活像一爿珠宝店。At the dance last night, Mrs Bailey was in grand feather with a ruby velvet gown and so many diamonds that she looked like a walking jeweller's shop.