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我把它拿给爸爸看。I showed it to Papa.

拿给我吧。Just hand me it now.

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请把梳子拿给我。Please bring me the comb.

他拿给本杰民一些钱。He gave Benjamin some money.

把手杖拿给我。Pass me the ' walking-stick.

只是想哪天能拿给我的孩子们看看。Just to show my kids some day.

请把我的大衣和伞拿给我.My coat and my umbrella,please.

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您可以拿给出租车司机看。You can show it to the taxi-driver.

我朋友笑了,他把论文拿给他看。My friend amiled and show him the paper.

把你的票拿给门口的那个人看。Show your ticket to the man at the door.

最终,她把它拿给了新认识的男友。Finally, she let her new boyfriend read it.

因此波西亚只得把那三只盒子拿给他看。So Portia had to show the three boxes to him.

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你能把你的全家福照片拿给我看吗?What about showing me your whole-family photo?

贺钦斯先生,我马上就把档案拿给您。I 'll bring you the file right away , Mr . Hutchins.

她把大衣拿给他,极愿为他服务。She gave him the overcoat, anxious to be of service.

我拿给老师和同学看,他们都笑我。I showed my teacher and fellow students. They laughed.

“马上拿给我,别弄砸了,”蓝胡子说。"Fail not to bring it to me presently," said Bluebeard.

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当时十分的兴奋,并把它拿给一位我很尊敬的大人看。I was excited, and showed it to an adult I looked up to.

一个小男孩把小球拿给小洋娃娃看。The little boy shows the little ball to the little doll.

酋长虽然奇怪,但还是拿给他一把叉子。The chief is puzzled, but he shrugs and gives him a fork.