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你知道我只是临时工。W-You know, I'm a temp.

你们需要假日临时工吗?。Do you need any holiday casuals?

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负责来店临时工、实习生的着装配置。Issue uniforms to the casual workers and trainees.

它雇佣了塞弥儿作为临时工来做这事。It hired Samuel as a temporary worker to do the job.

老板想在今天下午跟所有的临时工见面。The boss wants to meet with all the temps this afternoon.

身为临时工的王明志没有医疗或工伤保险。As a day laborer, he had no health or disability insurance.

萨科齐的声明将使2280名员工消除疑虑,去年,船坞已经经历了一个终止订单,这也使得临时工失去了工作。Sarkozy’s statement will reassure the firm’s 2,280 employees.

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家庭男性成员做像拾荒这样的临时工。The male members do odd-work such as rag picking and scrap dealing.

我仍在当地一家医院作临时工。那工作没劲透了!I'm still working part-time at a local hospital. The job is so boring!

然而,他最终不但放弃了临时工的职位,而且还离开了日本。Horie finally quit — not just the temporary jobs, but Japan altogether.

乔计划在他移民到美国前先找一份临时工。Joe plans to look for a temporary job before he emigrates to the States.

因为人出去的少了本币又升值了,所以现实对外国俱乐部来说就是临时工太贵了。The strong real makes these journeymen more expensive for foreign clubs.

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加拿大广播公司发现,临时工只能拿现金,做粗工没有福利。Workers get cash, no benefits for backbreaking work, Radio-Canada finds.

在此之前的一年,我是L-3的一家供应商的临时工。And the year before that, I temped for a company that contracted with L3.

妻子是食堂临时工,每月只有两三百元。His wife is temporary canteens , only two or three hundred dollars a month.

现在超过三分之一的工人成为兼职工或者临时工。More than a third of the workforce is now part-time or temporary employees.

许多人都有过在快餐店打份临时工来为挣点生活费的经历。Many take tempt jobs at fast food chains in order to meet their living expenses.

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几天后,他又离开了家乡,还是到那家木器厂做临时工。A few days later, he left his hometown and went back to the wood ware factory again.

有助于防止在高温转向低临时工褪色和艰辛的努力转向。Helps to prevent high-temp steering fade and difficult effort steering at low temps.

而且临时工参加在职培训的机会也比正式员工少得多。Irregulars also get far less on-the-job training than their contracted counterparts.