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在近期的反弹行情中,垃圾股走势可谓风起云涌。In the recent rebound in prices, junk stocks is surging.

看秦风的作品,也有风起云涌的感觉。Every time I see his work, I also feel the waves of movement.

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中国的城市化正在风起云涌地展开。The ongoing urbanization process is ceaselessly moving forward in China.

中国电视市场,群雄纷争,风起云涌。There are sudden changes and powerful rivalries in Chinese television market.

国内的电子地图应用市场正风起云涌。Electronic map of home uses the market like a rising wind and scudding clouds.

那是在1970年,抗议的旗帜遍布全国,各种政治运动风起云涌,年轻人更是用实际行动颠覆了整个社会秩序。In 1970, many banners were afield, many movements afire. The young had upended society.

国际并购风起云涌,中国汽车零部件企业是“主动出击”还是“坐守观望”?。What strategy should China Auto Part Industry Adapts Take Active Action or Wait-and-see?

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据王田的制造商2006年的调查,有机销售风起云涌,在所有的产品类别。According to OTA's 2006 manufacturer's survey, organic sales are surging in all product categories.

当今世界,技术变革日新月异,新兴技术风起云涌。Nowadays, the technology is undergoing great changes, and more and more new technologies are emerging.

近年来,风起云涌的跨国并购竞技场正吸引着越来越多的中国企业积极参与其中。In recent years, more and more Chinese enterprises have conducted cross-border Merger and Acquisitions.

也就是在美术运动风起云涌之际,中国的艺术市场也开始启动了。When the art movement went like a rising wind and scudding clouds, China's art market was also started.

春去秋来,百多年来中国大地风起云涌,这段历史记载渐渐被淹没了。Great changes took place in China during more than a century and buried this story in history's journey.

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现在中国的网站风起云涌,站长数量也急剧飙升!Now website like a rising wind and scudding clouds of China, sharp also violent wind raises stationmaster amount!

这支政治力量就是风起云涌的废奴运动,废奴运动者并不喜欢克莱,因为他本身就拥有奴隶。That was the abolitionist movement, which opposed slavery. Abolitionists did not like Clay, because he owned slaves.

尽管灭亡了ALZ-113所有人类,但一个全新的文明在历经风起云涌后异军突起。现在,这个星球已经是属于猩猩一族的天下了。ALZ-113 has destroyed humanity but out of the chaos, a new civilisation has dawned. The planet belongs to the apes now.

公元1-3世纪的地中海地区既现希腊理性精神的风起云涌,又有希伯来灵性精神的陈仓暗度。Creek rational spirit and Hebrew spirit of soul came out in the Mediterranean area from the 1st century to the 3rd century.

当今足坛风起云涌变化太多,但是大家不要忘记一个最基本的事实--拉法尔和利物浦的合同还有四年的时间。In football everything changes quickly, but the basic principle is that Rafa still has a four-year contract with Liverpool.

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随着城市化进程的快速发展,在地产业风起云涌的三亚,“鹿回头半岛”已成为唯一一块不被惊扰的处女地。With the rapid progress of urbanism, Luhuitou Peninsula is the only virgin land of increasing real estate industry in Sanya.

中国先进文化科学内涵和时代意义的实现,离不开风起云涌的文化全球化浪潮。Realizing the scientific meaning and era sense ot Chinese advanced culture has a straight relation with the culture globalization.

传统捐赠方式这次在风起云涌的热情面前,开始显得不足。The tradition donates means to be this before the enthusiasm of like a rising wind and scudding clouds, begin to appear insufficient.