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有一股甜丝丝的气息,使人隐隐感到像是咖啡。There was a sweetish smell, vaguely reminiscent of coffee.

“这酒甜丝丝的就象甘草,”姑娘说,一边放下酒杯。"It tastes like licorice, " the girl said and put the glass down.

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没有多久,他就说上一口北京话,带有一些甜丝丝的苏州音。It was not long before he spoke Mandarin, with a trace of the soft Soochow tones.

甜丝丝的味道,红枣的味道,爱情的味道,三种特殊的味道。Sweet taste, red jujube flavor, the flavor of love, the three kind of special flavor.

你白我一眼,那我也是感到心里甜丝丝的。I've never felt the way about a woman before. You're the most special person in my heart.

一群顽皮的小孩子穿着新衣,裹着围巾,手里拿着甜丝丝的棉花糖。A group of naughty children wear new clothes, wrapped in scarves, holding my sweetie cotton candy.

虽然这样说,我心里却泛起甜丝丝的感觉来。Though I said in that way, I felt very sweet in heart when thinking of my husband’s proposing to me.

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然而,过了几天,你又回忆起那种甜丝丝的感觉,于是,你又去摘了一篮红枣。However, after a few days, you remember that sweet feeling, so, you have to pick up a basket of red jujube.

陷阱外部呈绿色,里面却是鲜红色,还分泌一种甜丝丝的液体吸引昆虫。The trap is green on the outside and a bright red color inside with a sweet-tasting liquid which attracts insects.

没有熟透的桃子酸溜溜的,熟透了就甜丝丝的,叫人越吃越想吃。我小时侯有一次在家看见一个桃子,我忍不住拿起来就吃。啊,甜津津的真好吃。Not ripe peach sour, cooked on the , people want to eat once at home I saw a peach, I can not help but get up to eat. Ah, delicious.

我喜欢自己设置的实验室,它配备着妈妈的锅碗瓢勺,散发着昨天晚餐与我的甜丝丝的化学制剂的混合气味。I loved my makeshift lab, equipped with mother’s utensils and smelling of a mixture of last night’s dinner and the sweet scents of my chemicals.

个性十足,这一点仅从香味中就可以感到。口中顺滑,有一股甜丝丝的荔枝味道特别怡人。Very characteristic and somewhat expressive on the nose, smooth in the mouth, this gewürztraminer has a particular pleasant sweetness to the palate.

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你用牙齿轻轻咀嚼鲜嫩的红枣,不用一会儿,你的牙尖、牙缝,整个口腔满是红枣那甜丝丝的味儿,此刻,你正回味着一种爱情的味道。Your teeth gently chewing fresh jujube, not for a while, your sharp teeth, teeth, the mouth is full of red jujube that sweet taste, now, you are holding a taste of love.

在后台的周老师、在前面的晓端老师和在旁边的施敏姐姐都被小朋友的纯真感染,笑得甜丝丝!Spot Teacher Zhou at the backstage, Teacher Melissa in front, and Shimin at the side, all smiling from ear to ear as they see the little kids' performance! Definitely a touching moment!