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有了机遇,才有施展雄才大略的舞台。Only the opportunity can offer you the display stage.

武丁特别欣赏傅说的雄才大略。King Wuding appreciated Fu's great talent and bold vision.

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他的雄才大略是举世公认的。His rare gifts and bold strategy are universally acknowledged.

没有伟大的意志力,就不可能有雄才大略。Without great willpower, could not have rare gifts and bold strategy.

欧洲的历史上,有一位有名的人物亚历山大大帝,雄才大略,文武双全。In the history of Europe, there was a famous emperor, Alexander the Great.

他足智多谋,在担任马其顿国王的短短13年中,以其雄才大略。His resourcefulness, serving as the king of Macedonia, just 13 years, with its bold vision.

汉武帝一生雄才大略,他的功绩远远大于他的过失。As a great intelligent and capable emperor, Han Wudi had made many more achievements than mistakes.

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康熙帝雄才大略,立身治世赫赫于史,开创了中国封建社会最后一个盛世——“康乾盛世”。Emperor Kangxi, talented and far-sighted, sets up the last flourishing age of the feudal society in the history of China—Kang and Qian times of peace and prosperity.

使满清王朝进入盛世的康熙皇帝具有超群的才智和开疆固土的雄才大略,他既仁慈也不缺乏决断能力。Emperor Kangxi Emperor Kan Xi, who made Qing Dynasty enter flourishing period, owns superior intelligence and bold ambition. He is merciful but never irresolute and hesitant.

唐太宗李世民是中国历史上最具雄才大略的帝王之一,因此学界历来关注的大都是他的政治影响,而对他在文学方面的功绩少有论及甚至于忽略掉。Tangtaizong , Li Shimin, is one of the greatest emperors in Chinese history. So scholars often pay close attention to his influence on politics and neglect his influence on literary.

所谓做企业,无非就是做产品、做品牌和做文化。除了老板的雄才大略,最难的是“把合适的人放在合适的岗位上”。To develop a company is no other than to develop a product, a brand or a culture. aside from the boss's ambition, the most difficult part is to put the right person in the right position.