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我已筹备了一笔准备基金以防不测。I have kept a reserve fund in case of accidents.

备份是必需的以防不测。Backups are necessary in case you are compromised.

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工厂已筹备了一笔集体基金以防不测。She contributed to the collective fund with an open heart.

因此,出行前必须对驾驶证照进行检查,以防不测。So, before you go on driving licenses to check, in case of accidents.

本人们复制了计算机磁盘以防不测。We make copies of our computer disks as a safeguard against accidents.

我们的狗在树下挖了个洞,把肉骨头放进去,以防不测。Our dog dug a hole under the tree and put the bone in it for safekeeping.

我们的狗在树上挖了个洞,把肉骨头放进去,以防不测。Our dog dug a hole under the tree and put the bone in it for safekeeping.

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我们的狗在树下挖了个洞,把肉骨头放进去,以防不测。Out dog dug a hole under the tree and put the bone in it for safekeeping.

不要在交通规则中不允许倒车的地方倒车以防不测。Do not allow parking in the traffic rules in place to reverse in case of emergency.

监管者利用VAR来计算银行究竟需要多少资本以防不测。Regulators use VAR calculations to work out how much capital banks need to put aside for a rainy day.

尽管如此,当地仍有20多座房屋中的居民被迫疏散,以防不测。However, there are more than 20 houses of local residents forced to evacuate in, in case of emergency.

虽然那天阳光明媚,我父亲还是带上了雨伞以防不测。Although the sun was shining the other day, my father took the umbrella with him to be on the safe side.

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另外,确保让别人知道你的锻炼路线以及预期的返回时间,以防不测。Also, be sure to let someone know your exercise route and your expected return time, in case something does go wrong.

水手长,你一定带便携式灭火器,以防不测,通知机舱准备大型灭火系统的待命状态。Bosun, you must bring portable extinguishers. Engine room will be informed of standby fire mains in the event of emergency.

计划去机场的时候,我会算进一段“缓冲时间”,以防不测,像是堵车啊,爆胎啊。In planning my drive to the airport, I'll factor in a "cushion" to allow for the unexpected, such as heavy traffic, or a flat tire.

同时需连地线防静电汇集,备接油盆,灭火器等以防不测。At the same time, anti-static ground even need to gather, then prepare pots of oil, to prevent accidents such as fire extinguishers.

你知道如何能当你照看孩子的时候有一份电话号码单在冰箱上以防不测么?You know how, when you would babysit, there was always the list of phone numbers on the fridge for you to call in case of any imaginable emergency?

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如果没有购买全车盗抢险,可以考虑花100元左右投保一个月的全车盗抢险以防不测。Without the purchase of the entire car Daoqiangxian could be considered spent 100 yuan a month throughout the insured vehicle Daoqiangxian to trial.

虽然要女性对喝酒要小心的理由是多方面的,但这项新研究就更需要她们小心,以防不测。While there have always been reasons for women to be careful when drinking alcohol, this new research gives them even more cause to be aware and play it safe.